It's just an electric bike

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Well the last 2 days of Uni were pretty uneventful. I wanted to watch movies with Link for the rest of the evening but Impa wants us to go to a party with her and I cant get out of it since 'it's my Christmas present to her' so I'm forcing Link to come with me

"Are you ready?" I ask Link and he looks up from his phone

"Wow" he says making me blush "how did I get someone as amazing and beautiful of you?" He asks before kissing me

"You got lucky" I say with a small laugh

"Very lucky" he says placing his hand in my lower back pushing me towards him

"I've got a question" I say, walking away from him and looking in the mirror "up or down?" I ask placing my hair up in a makeshift bun

"You look beautiful either way" he says hugging me from behind

"Up" Impa says walking into the room and Link jumps away from me

"Impa" he says clearing his throat "I didn't see you there" he says and I smile at him

"Let me do it for you" Impa says ignoring Link and putting my hair into a low knot bun

"thank you" I say and she takes out a wrapped box from inside her blazer

"I wanted to give you this on Christmas but you wont be here so have it now" she says passing me the box

I gently unwrap the wrapping from the box before opening it, it revealed the beautiful blue gemmed necklace that she bought from Isha's shop "oh Imp it's gorgeous!" I say "can you put it on for me?" I ask and she nods

It worked perfectly with my outfit but one thing stuck out. The ring, I didn't want to take it off but it really clashed with the blue and I was scared someone might steal it

"Do you like it?" She asks as I take off of the ring

"I love it!" I say with a smile before hugging her

"Link" I say looking over at him, he was texting on his phone again, "what do you think?" I ask twirling around

"You look breathtaking" he says staring at me making me blush

"Your going like that I presume" Impa says

"Whats wrong with this?" Link says as I turn around to look at myself in the mirror

"Can we just go before i get too tired to go!" I say and Impa nods

"You ready?" Link asks offering to link arms

"Yes" I smile at him placing my arm inside of his before walking out the room with him

I slip on some silver heels to go with my hair accessory and my jewellery before saying goodbye to Urbosa and walking out with Link

It was super busy when we arrived and before we knew it Impa had already ditched us

"So you remember when I said my goal was to get you drunk?" I ask and he nods "thats my goal tonight" I say and he chuckles

"Bring it on" he says as we walk into the house
~ ~ ~ ~

After a few hours I was ready to go home Impa was too drunk to drive. I had a bit to drink but not near as much as Link and Impa

"Do you want to go home?" I ask Link who was sitting next to me nearly asleep

He nods but he doesn't move so I stand up and pull him up "now the only problem is our ride" I say, Impa has said she's staying with Ravio so hopefully she's patched things up there but how are we going to get home?

"My bike is in the backyard of the house" he says reaching into his pocket and passing the keys

"I cant drive a motorcycle" I say "and your drunk" I add as he takes me outside

"I'm not drunk!" He says with a small laugh "I'm just a bit tipsy" he says walking out and across the road to were he is supposed to live

"You still cant drive Link" I say and he opens the back garden door

"It's easy" he says bringing his motorcycle out onto the road. He helps me onto his bike "you twist to accelerate you pull these to brake and you change gears with your left foot" he says pointing to all the bits "it's just an electric bike" he says putting on my helmet before putting his own on and getting on

"Okay" I say taking as much as a deep breath as I can "you ready?" I ask him gripping the bike

"Yep, you'll do fine" he says reassuring me and I set off to Urbosa's house

It was quiet nerve wracking but thankfully I didn't crash it and we got home safe "see I told you, you could do it he says" taking off his helmet and getting off of the bike

I didn't respond and I just walk into the house "Zelda!" Riju says running over to me and I look at the clock

"It's 2 in the morning" I say and she nods "why are you still awake" I ask

"I couldn't sleep" she says "so I decided to wait for you" she says with a small smile

"Oh Ri, why cant you sleep?" I ask as Link goes to get some water

"I was worried about you" she says and I hug her

"You shouldn't worry about me I was with Link" I say and she hugs me back tightly almost restricting my breath

"I'm so glad your safe" she says pulling away and I walk her to her bedroom

"Get some sleep" I say tucking her into her bed before walking out of her room

"You took of your ring?" Link says as I walk into the hallway

"Yeah, I didn't want it to slip off or get stolen" I say walking up the stairs with him trailing closely behind him

As soon as I get into my room I collapse onto my bed "I'm so tired" I say closing my eyes

"Me too" he says lying down next to me "thats the only reason why you took the ring off right" he says and I open my eyes to look at him "like it wasn't to let guys know that you were single" he says his voice riddled with insecurity

"of course not!" I say and he sighs in relief "and the fact that it had a red gem and the rest of the outfit was blue" I saw and he laughed

"You really do look gorgeous" he says smiling at me as I get up to take my make up off

"What about now?" I say taking my hair out and turning to look at him

"Even more beautiful than before" he says walking over to me. I stare into his eyes as his hands go to the zip of my dress

"Link...your drunk" I say backing away from him "lets just go to bed" I say slipping on my ring

"Your going to bed in your dress?" He says and I nod pulling him towards the bed "why that must be so uncomfortable" he says pulling off his top, I mean he has already unzipped it and it is a big dress so it's going to be uncomfortable for both of us

With out saying a word I slip out of my dress and put on one of his hoodies that I have lying around before getting into bed with him

"I'm not drunk by the way" he says as I cuddle up next to him

"Well good, I'm not either" I say wrapping my arm around his stomach

"Ok" he simply says before kissing me on my forehead "goodnight ma angè" he says cuddling me

"Goodnight mon amoureux" I say before drifting off into a deep sleep in the comfort of Link's arms

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