You wanna bet?

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Link's pov

I went to my practice but it was so disruptive with all of the people shouting our names "is it usually this loud?" I ask Ravio

"No it's because the amazing Link is here" he says sounding really fed up but I don't blame him it is really annoying why cant they just go away

I didn't notice that Zelda had came to the practice but when I did I saw Mipha comforting her she looked really sad, "Hey Miph" I say running over there to make sure that Zel was okay "I thought you went to Urbosa's" I say kissing her on her cheek

"I did but she wanted me to tell father and we got into an argument so here I am" she says with a small smile

"Oh okay I'll talk to you about it later yeah?" I say before running back onto the pitch feeling really guilty that I just left her like that but Ravio was getting annoyed at me and Zelda had Mipha

When I looked over to where Zelda was sitting she wasn't there but I figured that she just left with Mipha so I carried on playing and thats when Karson came to practice "why are you here" I say

"I'm on the team" he says with a bitchy voice

"You used to be on the team, you know before you left us to travel the world with your girlfriend who then left you for Ganondorf!" I say clearly irritating him but then the girls started calling Karson's name so we stop being so hostile and start playing the game

"Whats wrong with you and Karson?" Ravio asks "when he came back you were so happy" he adds

"When he came back he wasn't trying to fuck Zelda" I tell him kicking the ball into the goal

"Oh" I hear Ravio mutter

"Yeah" I say I wanted to scream at him. I hate this man, Zelda has been through so much he is the last thing she needs

The people who were being disruptive started singing our names again as we started playing again

I saw Zelda sit down were she was before and I was determined to get the ball off of Karson so I ran in front of him and pulled the ball from out of his feet and started running in the other direction, I kicked the ball into the back of the net before running over to her, I wish I could take all of her problems away from her

Zelda stands up as i near her and she kissed me on my cheek "you've got to get back" she says to me but I shake my head

"I don't usually come to these things so their lucky to have me" I say I know thats really egotistical of me but I really do think that if I get into an argument with Karson one more time one or both of us will end up in the hospital or Jail or both

"Don't be so self absorbed!" She says with a small smile "I'll be here waiting for you" she says kissing me on the lips this time before patting my chest signalling for me to go back on the pitch

I kick the ball out from between Karson's feet once again gaining access to the ball

I pass the ball to Ravio and Karson comes over to me "your girlfriends staring at me" he says pissing me off I know it's not true but I look over at her and she is! She's staring right at him!

"Shes zoned out" I say walking away from him just as they kick the ball back onto the pitch

I try and block Karson out but his voice just keeps getting into my head, I weave around all of the opposing sides team before kicking the ball and it hits off of the pole

"You know I fucked her so hard the whole house could hear her scream my name as she came" Karson whispered in my ear, I know that isn't true so why is it making me so upset

"Will you just leave me alone" I say walking away from him once again

"You know the rumours of Zelda kissing me at my party, well we did a lot more then kissing" he laughed

"Well if you did a lot more then kissing then you raped her because she was drunk that night because she climbed through my window" I yelled in his face and his face faded "yeah so piss off" I say kicking his shins but he punches me in my side right where Ganondorf stabbed me

"Oi" Harth yells at us "I'm not having this on the pitch either don't do it at all or do it somewhere else" he says pointing off of the pitch

"I'm going home" I say grabbing the sticky note off of my bag and ripping it up "stupid fan girls" I whisper before throwing it away and walking away with my bag slung over my shoulder

"Your not going anywhere Ordon" Karson says

"Fuck off Karson because if you don't I'll--" I start to say but he cuts me off

"You'll what because I don't think you have the guts to kill me" he says

"You wanna bet?" I say dropping my bag before punching him in the face knocking him to his knees, I continue to punch him until he is fully laying down on the floor when he punches me in my stomach and starts to punch me in my face over and over, that's when Urbosa comes and breaks up

"What do you think your doing?" Urbosa says "you know if the police gets involved or Mr Hyrule you could get expelled or arrested!" She says and I dont say anything I just stare Karson down

"we all know that the police dont do shit" he says "and we all know you get special treatment because you sleep with Hyrule" Karson says and Urbosa's eyes widen and I punch Karson again

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" I say with each punch and Urbosa drags me off of him

"Why you dumped Zelda for her?" He says in a smug tone

"No it's called respect you dickhead" I spit back at him

I'm not even going to feed into his stupid delusions, I just get up grabbing my bag and walking away

Urbosa runs after me "where are you going?" She says and I shrug, I'm not going back home with that dickhead there and I have no where else to go so the streets?

"Come on" she says gesturing to her car

"What are you doing?" I ask her

"Well I know for a fact that you two will not stay in the same house without putting the other in hospital so your coming with me" she says and I follow her theres no where else I can go

A/N- I was supposed to publish this sooner but I completely forgot! I'm so sorry and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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