Vowed to protect

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"No, no, no, no, no!" I said my breathing getting more raggedy as  Link takes us into Urbosa's office probably hoping she was in there but she wasn't,

"Its ok, I will deal with everything don't worry," he said trying to calm me down, sitting me on the sofa, "I'll get Urbosa," he said and i give him a grateful nod

It took a while before Link appeared with Urbosa. "Whats happened my little bird?" She asked wiping my tear stained cheeks

"Alot," I sigh "I suppose you already know about Impa," I say and she nods sympathetically "well Link was comforting me and then..." I started and her eyes widen

"Then you kissed and someone saw you," she said and i nodded surprised that she knew but then again this is Urbosa

"And they took a photo," Link added making me feel anxious, the photo had probably been posted and circulated the whole internet by now!

"He should just send me to America," I whisper not meaning for either of them to hear it but both of them do

"I've spoken to him about that actually," Urbosa said before Link could say anything

"Oh no, what have you done," I say not meaning to say it like that,

"Such a nice thank you!" She laughed "I've managed to convince him to not send you to America or revoke your place from Hylia University!" Urbosa said

"Really!" I say excitedly and she nods "Thank you!" I say hugging her,

"Im going to go and find that girl," Link says looking up from his phone

"Let me come with you," I say pulling away from Urbosa

"I don't think thats a good idea," Urbosa says "If you would like," Urbosa starts before sighing a little "I could go with you and scare the girl into taking it down," she said making me gasp

"You could lose you job!" I say shaking my head "No!" I said and she lets out another sigh but this time in relief,

"Im gonna go now," he says kissing me on the forehead not thinking "shit, sorry," he said before running out of the door,

"You know you two really need to stop kissing in public," she says, a smile toying on her lips, "Are you two...together?" She asked shocking me

"What, No!" I say and she looks at me with a confused and surprised look "If Father found out I was dating he would most definitely send me to America!" I say my stomach dropping at the thought of being sent away

"Little bird," she says with a sigh "Wouldn't it be worse for you Father to hear that your kissing the boy that has vowed to protect you?" She said and I raise my eyebrows in confusion

"What do you mean 'vowed to protect me'?" I asked tilting my my head slightly

"Did you not know? Of course you didn't," she said and shook her head "well remember when you were in the hospital, Link was with you when I got there and your Father came in shortly after me and asked to talk to Link," she said before sitting down and i sit next to her "I couldn't hear a lot of the conversation but i heard bits and then your Father told me after you left," she said but I didn't respond. I didn't know how to.

"Are you hurt?" Tania said rushing to my side "some students said that Impa had hit you," she said checking my arms then my face

"She tried to but Link blocked it," I said and she sighed in relief bringing me into a hug

"What would we do without Link ay?" She says with a slight laugh trying to lighten the mood,

"Why would she do that? She is your best friend," Urbosa said as Tay sat down on the floor next to my feet,

"Was," I said quietly making both of them look at me

"Whats happened?" Tay asks looking like shes getting ready to fight someone

"She said that shes sick of me and that we are over," I said tears forming in my eyes "but Link said she'd come around," I added trying to think of something else

"Whats going on with you and Link anyway?" She asked and I just sighed

"Why is everyone asking me this!" I say annoyed, standing up and walk towards the door

"It probably won't be a good time to tell you that half the school has seen you two kiss," she said her voice getting quieter as she continued the sentence

"W-what?" I ask started to get a little lightheaded,

"Your getting pale," Tay said standing up and walking towards "Zee I want you to try and sit down," she said helping me down when she got to me. Within a matter of seconds I fell out of consciousness,


Tania's POV

"Your doing well," Mum said to me as I hold Zelda in my arms trying my hardest not to cry "She will come round in a few minutes," She said and i nodded

"We need to find out what to do about this photo," I said "It could ruin everything," I say and she nods

"I dont wont you to worry, but Rhoam might send Zelda away," Mum said to me

"What? Why?" I ask the tears ,that i had tried so hard to keep in, finally fall

"I couldn't tell you, Rhoam hasn't told me why. in fact Rhoam didn't tell me, she did," She said before wiping my tear away

"He would've just sent her away without telling us?" I say anger boiling in my heart

"I've managed to stall him but i dont know how long for, you know how unpredictable he is," she said and I feel Zelda twitch

"Zee?" I whisper and her eyes slowly start to open

Zelda's POV

I woke up in Tays arms with Urbosa sitting next to us,  "Whats happening?" I ask feeling ill,

"You fainted again honey," Urbosa said  with a small smile "Do you remember just what happened?" She asked me and I nodded my stomach dropping,

"How are we going to fix this," I say sitting up

"Ive told her to take it down," Link said from the door and I shakily walk over to him but I lose my balance and fall into his arms

"Woah, are you ok?" He said helping me stand up straight, I give him a nod and hug him tightly

"Did she?" I asked and he gave a nod "what did she want?" I ask but he doesn't answer and just holds me tighter

"Well it's good she took it down but loads have people have seen it," Tay said

"Only 10," Link said and we all look at Tay

"Thats alot! People will tell their friends," She said and i nod

"Thats true," I say pulling away from Link "We can pass it off as a rumour" I say and Link nods

"Who was she?" I asked him and once again he didn't answer "why wont you answer my questions," I ask him sitting down on the sofa

"Because I know Tania will chase them down and kill them," He said and Tay nods

"I would" Tay says standing up and dusting off air,

"Shall we take a walk?" I ask him walking towards the door

"I would love to but if we are going to say it was a rumour we should probably stay away from each other," he said and I nod, it was true as much as i wish it wasn't,

"And with what Impa started earlier," I said wanting to cry

"I'll see you later," Link said and whispers an 'i love you' to me making butterflies form in my stomach,

"Im gonna go to," Tay said and i nod

"I think i will as well," i added

"Am i that boring!" Urbosa laughs

"Shit!" I say "I've missed two of my lessons!" I say my breathing started to get raggedy

"Its ok, I'll cover for you," Urbosa says and I give a thankful nod

"thank you," i say giving her a hug before leaving with Tay

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