Slow it down

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"I told you it wasn't safe!" Father yelled at me after Urbosa told him what happened "And what on earth possessed you to tell him that!" Father said pacing up and down his study

"Father he was attacking Link, no-one could stop him!" I say

"I told you not to go!" He said continuing to walk rapidly around the room as Link sat outside

"Im sorry Father" I say to him my head aimed at the floor

"I cant lose you Zelda" he says shocking me slightly "your the only thing I have left" he stops pacing and stands behind his desk "I want you to start self defence lessons with Impa and Daruk, they have both agreed to train you" he says and I nod

"Can I go to bed please?" I ask and Father nods so I get up and walk out of the door

"Link can I speak to you please" Father says when Link stands up to walk with me

"Yes sir" he says before walking into his office

"Zelda, Me and your father have been speaking" Urbosa says "and I want your input on this since it will be effecting you the most" she adds making me curious of what she'll say next

"Your Father wants you to stay with him and I have argued that you would feel more comfortable living with me since you have said that before" she says

"Please let me stay with you, this house it doesn't feel like home anymore" I say with a tired sigh and she nods

"Your Father does love you, he just has a weird way of showing it" she says giving me a hug before letting me go to bed

I was lying down on my bed hugging Navi tightly replaying what has happened in my head over and over again when Link walks in

"Are you ok?" I ask him sitting up properly and he nods "are you going to come sit next to me?" I ask him and he walks over to my bed

"What are we Zel?" He says out of nowhere

"I don't know" I whisper looking down at my hands "but I miss you" I say bringing my eyes up to his

"I miss you too" he says sitting down on the bed

"Your face looks a lot better" I say lifting my hand to his face

"Your father got a nurse to look at it," he says, his eyes stuck on mine "your so pretty" he says before leaning in and kissing me 

"Link" I say pulling away from him "we cant go back to the way it was before" I say and he looks at me confusedly

"What do you mean" he says "the way it was before" he repeats my words

"I feel like everything is moving too quickly" I say and he nods

"Lets slow it down then" he says taking my hands in his,

"Ok" I whisper "will you stay with me tonight" I ask him

"Of course I will" he says and I move over so he has room under the duvet

He puts his arm around my shoulder and I rest my head on his shoulder "just to clarify are we dating again?" Link asks making me laugh

"Yes" I say giving him a kiss on his cheek


"Hey Priii--" Impa says as I slowly open my eyes

"Imp?" I ask confused as she walks over with something in her hands

"Bought you some coffee" she said eyeing Link

"Aww thanks Imp" I say giving taking the coffee out of her hand whilst sitting up,

"Are you going to tell me why he is in your bed!" Impa says quietly placing her coffee on my side table

"Huh?" I say rubbing my eyes before looking down at Link who surprisingly still asleep "whats the time?" I ask Impa

"10:35" she says "why is Link in your bed!" She asks again

"Why wouldn't he be?" I ask her sipping on my coffee

"Cuz literally yesterday morning you were crying over him!" She said and that was what woke Link up,

"We made up" I say as Link confusedly looks at Impa

"Good morning?" He says to Impa and then me

"morning" she says to Link "ok" she simply says before changing the subject "what are you planning on doing today?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders

"I don't know" I say "what would you like to do?" I ask Link and Impa but they both shrug. Link slides his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him

"Its got significantly colder since yesterday" I say and Link puts his chin on my shoulder

"Yeah" he says "guess I'm not gonna see you in a bikini anytime soon" he adds and I roll my eyes at him

"Anyway, we could..." I say trying to think of what we could do

"We could have a movie marathon" Link says excitedly,

"Of what?" Impa asks and he shrugs his shoulders

"Star Wars?" Link suggests and Impa laughs

"No way" I say before bringing my coffee up to my lips but Link takes it out of my hands "hey!" I complain

"Sorry but you didn't go on a run with me" he says

"You didn't go on a run!" I argue

"How do you know that?" He says with a smug smile as he drinks my coffee

"I just do!" I say "if your that upset about it I'll put it in the oven we can go for a run and then I can drink my coffee" I say and he laughs at me "what?" I say very confused why he was laughing

"Zel, why are you putting coffee in the oven?" Impa asks with a confused look on her face

"To keep it warm" I say seriously but they both continue to laugh

"And have you ever done this?" Link asks and I shake my head "hun you don't warm coffee in the oven" he tells me

"Oh" I say before giving an innocent smile "how do you keep it warm?" I ask

"Umm a kettle?" Link says not sure with his own answer

"Just ask Kodah to keep it warm for you" Impa says and I nod

"Come on" I say to Link pulling him out of bed

"You were being serious?" He asks me and I nod as we walk down the stairs

"Hey Kodah, can you keep my coffee warm for me please" I ask as we walk into the kitchen and she nods

"Of course I can Miss Hyrule" she says taking the coffee off of me

"Come on then" I said pulling Link out of the kitchen and walk towards the front door

"It's cold take a coat" he says chucking me my coat and then taking his off of the coat hanger

We walk down the drive and then Link starts to jog catching me off guard "you know its quite cold maybe this is a bad idea" I say catching up to Link

"Come on Zel" he says "we've barely even started" he says with a smile

"Ok where are we running to?" I ask and he shrugs

"We could go to the campus and back, i went there this morning when you were still fast asleep" he said

"Yeah sure you did" I say "I would've known if you left" I add

"Sure you would" he said mocking me as we run side by side

A/N: I rewrote this chapter so many times so I'm sorry it took so long and I'm so sorry if its bad! I just didn't know how to end it so I hope you enjoy this one I put a lot of effort into it!

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