Like Link's eyes

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"Hey princess" Impa says in a soft voice and I gently raise my head to see her "what happened?" She asks switching places with Tay

"I...broke up with...Link" I choke struggling to say his name

"Im gonna kill him!" She yells about to get back up but I push her back down

"He didn't do anything! I broke up with him! Just please sit with me" I say my eyes still leaking

"Ok" she whispers "are you still going to the beach with Mipha?" She asks after only a few seconds of silence

"I have to I haven't cancelled" I tell her and she opens her mouth "and I'm not cancelling now" I say before she can voice her opinion

"Im coming with you" she says "and if we don't enjoy it we can just go to the tavern its not that far away" she says going to my wardrobe and picking herself out a swimsuit

"Ok" I say with a weak smile

"Come on Zel you can do this!" Impa hypes me up making me feel much better

"I can do this!" I say and she takes my hand and pulls me down the stairs, I grab my bag "wait I'm still in my pyjama's" I say looking at the time,6:45, we have enough time

"Ok I'm gonna get into your bikini and then put my clothes over the top I suggest you do the same" she says before going into the bathroom

I walk into my room and find a outfit from my wardrobe, I change into my swimsuit and then I put my clothes over it. I go downstairs to see Impa at the bottom of the stairs on her phone

"Sorry I was just texting Midna" she said and I smiled at her

"Whats going on between you two?" I ask with a smug smile on my face

"We are friends" she says with a smile

"Yeah so were me and Link" I say walking out the door, still hurting over what happened a mere hour before

"Ok fine there might be something going on" she says before getting into the car and starting it

"Ooo" I tease her and her cheeks go red

"Are you ready" she asks me bringing me back into the reality of my relationship,

Its better this way, things were going too fast and we lied to each other. Maybe we just aren't as compatible as I thought we were

"Yep" I said as she pulled into the carpark, even though its early November, it isn't that cold plus the sun is beaming down onto us making it hotter than it would be

"Come on then" she says with a beaming smile, we get out of the car and I spot Mipha's burgundy hair

"Mipha!" I say grabbing her attention

"Zelda!" She says but when she turned around I felt slightly sick as I saw Link's blue eyes staring into my emerald ones "and Impa! I thought you weren't coming!" Mipha said and Impa nodded

"Yeah Zel needed me to come so here I am" she said and Mipha gave a soft smile "so are we doing any sport or anything?" She asked and Mipha nodded

"We can do beach volleyball, we can swim, we can do many things" she says her smile never faltering "oh Zelda come meet my brother" she said walking me in the direction of Link

"Sidon this is Zelda and Impa" she says and I go to shake his hand but he brings both me and Impa into a hug

"Lovely to meet you" I say to him with a smile. Sidon was significantly taller than Mipha but he had the exact same shade colour of hair and eyes

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