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I get to Urbosa's and she's sitting on her front steps, "hey" I say taking the bags out the car before walking over to her "have you been smoking?" I ask her and she shakes her head, her makeup is all messed up and her hair is all over the place. Her mascara is stained down her face

"something has happened" she says, oh no, the smell of smoke, Urbosa upset, this has my Father written all over it

"Is Father in there?" I ask her and she nods "have you slept with him?" And she looks at me with tears in her eyes "no" I say stepping back

"No I haven't, but everyone seems to think that" she says bursting into tears

"Urbosa, nobody thinks that!" I say hugging her

"Well you think that and Karson thinks that" she sniffles and I place a strand of her fiery hair behind her pointed ear

"I only think that because I know my father" I say offering her a smile "wait, when did you speak to Karson" I ask

"Thats why I called you here" she says wiping her eyes before standing up and I see Link sitting on the sofa and Father with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on the stairs

I go to walk into Link when Father stops me "I need to talk to you" he says and I look up at him, he's going to say something stupid I just know he is but I follow him into the kitchen anyway

"You need to break up with him" he says as he shuts the door and I laugh whilst shaking my head before looking for escape routes

"No" I say looking him dead in the eye my laughter fading

"He is violent Zelda!" He says and I shake my head again "he starts fights" he says and I scoff

"Like you never did that over mum" I say nearing closer to the window "imagine someone you saw as close as a brother came up to you and said they slept with mum just to piss you off" I say and his eyes widen "yeah you would beat them up too" I say before climbing out of the window

"Zelda!" Father yells and Impa runs over to me

"I thought you left?" I say walking over to her

"You just climbed out a window!" She says excitedly as Father walks out the door

"You really climbed out a window to get away from me?" He says and I nod

"Yep" I say walking over to him "now if you excuse I have to go look after my boyfriend" I say with a smile before walking passed him

"Did you just climb out a window?" Link asks sounding amused as I near him

"Yeah" I say sitting down next to him "what happened?" I ask lifting my hand up to his face brushing my thumbs against the bruises but not the cuts

"Karson" he says "I still cant believe that you climbed out a window" he laughs

"Why did you start a fight with him?" I ask and he sighs

"He said he slept with you...he said he slept with you the night you got really drunk...the night you climbed through my window" he says with a sad voice "he said he raped you Zelda, I couldn't let him get away with that!" He says and I hug him

"Oh Link" I whisper rubbing circles into his back "you know I would never do that to you" I say and he nods

"But you were drunk Zel, you have barely any memory when you get drunk and you have no control over you actions" he said, he is right I have no memory of my actions when I wake up and I don't think anyone knows what there doing when their drunk

"How disappointing" Father says

"Be quiet Rhoam" Urbosa tells him and I can tell this upset him, I always knew deep down that Father had feelings for Urbosa but they would both never betray my mother "look, Link we can take you in here so you don't have to live with Karson" she says and I smile at her

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