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"PRINCESS!" Impa yells at the top of her lungs. She is so lucky father went to work early. "IM COMING!" I yell down the stairs adjusting my shoes. I've wanted to be comfortable today i have 5 classes so i have to run around a lot.

"So how are you?" Impa asked as i shut the door behind us "no-one heard from you after you texted Tania." Impa said slightly worried

"Oh, yes well a lot happened." I said getting into Impa's car

"I have time." She said with a cheeky grin.

"Well i don't and i need to be on campus for 8:30."i said hurrying her along.

I tried to tell her bits of it in the car but all she really managed to understand little snippets "so you were in the library with Ruvara then you ran away to the gym and fell on top of Link!" She said still looking confused as she parked in the main parking lot

"Close enough, thanks for the drive i'll see you later." I said and kissed her on the cheek before running over to my business class which was another class that Father was making me do.


I had just had Psychology and Philosophy but throughout all of them i kept on thinking about Link. He hasn't left my mind since...i fell on him yesterday.

That thought made my cheeks go red and the butterflies started flying again. Anyway i have Maths after lunch and then I've got my English class. I seem to always have maths, not that I'm complaining, i wish i had more classes with Impa.

And i have yet to see who is in my english but i know its not Impa its not on her time table. Gosh i hope its not Mipha, i feel horrible saying that but she's just really awkward.

"Hey Tay, Hey Impa" i say sitting down on the fake grass next to them.

"You alright? I texted you last night and you never responded." Tay asked and i gave her a nod and opened my mouth to start explaining but Impa decided to speak for me

"She fell on top of Link!" She squealed catching some people's attention

"Impa keep it down!" I whisper to her my cheeks burning again.

"On purpose?" Tay asks sadness revealing itself in her voice and disappointment in her eyes.

"No! No of course not! It was an accident i was running away from someone and i wasn't looking where i was going and then just like that i was on top of Link." I whispered the last part  but my cheeks just getting hotter.

"Who were you running away from?"
"You were on top of Link?"
Tay and Ruvara asked at the same time and i froze

"Hey Ruvara" Tay said with a bright smile and i felt nauseous at his sudden appearance.

Ruvara sat down next to me and i touched my wrist slightly and winced at the pain. His grip was so tight.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked and i was frozen i couldn't move.

"We were talking about what Zelda was doing last night." Tay said her eyes being taken off of Ruvara and onto me. Everyone's eyes were on me. Even his eyes, i don't know when Link came but I'm glad he is there, even from afar i still find comfort in his ocean eyes.

"Umm...I...I have to go." I say and get up

"Zelda?" Impa said very confused about what happened and knowing Impa is probably now running after me. "Zelda!"

I ran down to the ground floor to see that Link wasn't there. Was he apart of my memory? Was he actually there? I desperately need him right now, even though I've never really even met him.

And thats when it really hit me. I don't know Link, i fell on him, thats it i need to stop thinking about him and start thinking about school. Its Friday now so i have to study over the weekend. So much is riding on this i cant give it all up over a boy i don't even know.

"Whats up with you?" Impa asked and i just look at her

"What" i whisper does she think something is wrong with me,

"When Ruvara came you completely froze up, i know you said you ran away from him but why." She asked so i grabbed her hand and pulled her into a private area.

"He started flirting with me and i was trying to tell him to stop without hurting his feelings, but when i tried to walk away he grabbed my wrist." I say the tears that were welling up in my eyes finally fall as i show her my wrist.

"That little shit!" Impa yelled and stormed back up the stairs

"Impa stop please." I beg her but she doesn't listen

"He is not getting away with this!" Impa says opening the door "YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" Impa screams at Ruvara before smacking him in the face

"IMPA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Tay yells at her and Impa gently brings me towards my sister

"Look what he has done to her." Impa says more calmly pulling up my sleeve showing Tania the red band around my wrist.

"He did that." Tania asked me and i give her a nod. She wipes my tears and tells me to look at the view in front if us.

"WHAT THE FUCK TANIA!" I hear Ruvara say and i look over to the to see Ruvara's hand covering his lip.

"YOU EVER TOUCH MY FUCKING SISTER AGAIN AND IT WILL BE A LOT WORSE THAN A BUST LIP!" She yelled at him before Impa gently taking my hand and leads me to the Maths block.


I walk into the lecture hall gasping for air not sure what just happened. Impa took my hands and turned me around so i was facing her. "Breathe In," she said counting to 5 and i closed my eyes on the 3rd second"and out" she said and counted to 5 again "you ok?" She asked me and i opened my eyes.

"Yes, But Impa you really need to stop hitting people unless its in a competition." I tell Impa but she doesn't reply and just looks behind me

Someone touches my arm and i flinch towards Impa "What?" I ask in distress and Link doesn't respond "DON'T GET MY ATTENTION IF YOUR NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING!" I scream at him but he just stares at me.

Zelda its fine don't get upset just focus on maths. Focus on algebra. Don't think about Link.

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