Tell the truth

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"So what happened little bird?" She asked me as she sat me down

"H-he s-said he was g-going to send me to A-America," i said shakily through my sobs

"I would NEVER let that happen and if he tries to he will have me to answer to," she said sounding really angry

"I need to get to class," I say fidgeting with my hands

"At this time? I thought first lessons started at 8:45" she said sitting down at her desk and logging into her laptop

"It depends some peoples first class start at 7:30 some 10:50" i say and she gives a hmm sound

"Mum?" Tay says coming through the door "OMG ZELDA WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET TO YOU SINCE LAST NIGHT!" She said hugging me

"Sorry i was asleep," i said and she pulled away and gave me the 'i know your lying' look,

"Ive spoken to Impa," she said sitting next to me

"Oh," I said looking down at my hands

"Oh? I think you owe her an apology," she said and i stand up and nod

"I do," i say walking out of the room before popping my head back in "where is she?" I asked Tay and she gives me a smile

"She's in the boxing ring in the gym," she said before turning to her mother

"Thank you!" I yell and run towards the gym

I run towards the Martial arts section of the gym when i see a large group of people

"I cant believe this is happening!" One girl said

"I mean i knew she had a loose screw but i never thought she would take it this far," her friend said

"Excuse me who are you talking about?" I ask them and she turns to me, her face goes bright red

"Impa Kakariko," the other girl said and the one looking at me jabbed her side

"Oh Impa what have you done?" I say pushing my way through the crowd

"Impa? IMPA!" I yell running to her side. Her knuckles were all bloody and she had a bust lip

"What do you want?" She snarled

"Impa i'm sorry it's just my Fath--" I start but she cuts me off

"My Father this my Father that, i was willing to listen Zelda. I offered you a place to sleep, I would've been your best friend, but now I'm sick of it. I helped you all the time and the singular time you help me you scold me after." She scoffs and my attention falters when i see the person she beat up

"See your not even listening to me now!" She said standing up and walking away

"Impa wait I'm sorry!" I yell

"Piss off Zelda," She said angering me

"You were just a selfish bitch anyway," i yelled to her making her stop in her tracks

"What did you just call me?" She said turning towards me "GO ON REPEAT IT!" She screamed, at this point the whole school was watching us with there phones out

"your just a. selfish. little. bitch." I said up in her face and she goes to punch me. I deserve this.

I brace for the impact of the punch but it never comes and i hear everyone gasp and when i open my eyes I gasp too, "Link," I say turning him around

"Oh both of you just fuck off," she said and goes to walk away "actually..." she said grabbing a chair and standing on it "I know you all recorded that so record this," she said and everyones phones point at her

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