Daruk's protection

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Me and Impa have spent 2 hours at the tavern talking about everything and anything "how do you feel about it being the last week of Uni!" Impa says taking a big sip of her drink

"It's the last week?" I ask her with a confused look and she nods and I let out a deep sigh "thank goddess" I say with a small laugh

"Are you Zelda Hyrule?" A short girl with long dark hair asks

"Yes" I say "how can i help you?" I ask with a smile and she smacks me

"Hey no one slaps her!" Impa yells slapping her back

"Impa stop fighting with people!" Daruk says coming in from the kitchen

"She slapped Zelda!" Impa yelled as inspect at her, she looks a lot like Ravio

"Hilda?" I say and her eyes soften for a second but they soon go back to the sharp eyes they were earlier

"First you kiss him and now you put him on probation!" She yells raising her hand to hit me again but Daruk grabs her hand before she can 

"Get out!" Daruk tells her pointing at the door but she doesn't move "OUT!" He yells and she soon runs out the door

"You'll pay for this Hyrule!" She yells before walking out the door

"Are you ok?" Daruk asks and I nod

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go home" I say standing up

"I'll come with you" Impa says standing up with me

"No it's ok don't leave on my account" I say with a weak smile

"Nah it's no fun being here without you" Impa says picking up her coat and walking out with me "plus I'm your ride" she says, I forgot about that but just I smile at her and nod


It had been a few hours since I had arrived at Urbosa when I had the sudden urge to go and give Ganon a piece of my mind

How would I even do that? Is he in Prison? Surely not he hasn't had a trial maybe he's off on probation or something, I'm smart in many things but law I know nothing about!

I run down the stairs catching Urbosa's attention "You ok Zelda?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm just going to Link's" I lie, I always feel bad lying to Urbosa but I  need to speak to that son of a—

"Ok, tell me if your staying there though" she says as I run out of the house and into my car, driving straight to the Din dorms

It takes me a while before I get there but when I do I see his car parked outside and I suddenly feel like this is a terrible idea but I carry in anyway

Din's dorms where very different to ours in many ways and one of the ways is that they have buzzers to each dorm so I went through every single buzzer until I heard his familiar harsh voice

"What?" He asks, even though I wanted to scream at him I felt like i lost my voice "hello?" He asks in an agitated voice

"It's Zelda" I manage to say in a high tone of voice

He didn't say anything and then he just hung up and the door opened, I take a deep breath before walking through the tall heavy doors

I knock on his door and he opens it almost Immediately "Out of everybody I didn't expect you coming here tonight" he smirks and I want to smack it off of his face but I stare at him frozen in the hallway "come in" he says

"I--" I start to speak but he grabs my arm and pulls me into his dorm

"Does you boyfriend know your here?" He asks lifting the fabric on my arm where it said 'Link'

"No" I manage to say, my heart beating in my mouth as he steps closer to me

"I'm glad you've come sweetheart, I was starting to miss you" he says making me feel sick as he places his hand on my lower back

"Get off of me!" I yell at him my confidence only now kicking in "I didn't come here to hookup with you!" I say with furrowed eyebrows

"Well why did you come" he says walking over to the table beside me to get a cigarette, I see something shiny in a clear bag that had 'EVIDENCE' written on it in big red letters but then he starts to walk over to me with a raised eyebrow, "hello?" He says waving his hand in front of me

"Get your girlfriend off my back!" I say and he looks at me with confusion before lighting his it

"My girlfriend?" He asks before blowing the smoke in my face making me cough

"Yeah, Hilda" I say and he shakes his head

"She's not my girlfriend, I just hookup with her from time to time" he says, poor hilda

"You might want to clarify that with her because she thinks your dating" I say and he just takes another puff of his cigarette before putting it out, what a waste

"Are you sure you don't want to hook up, Link doesn't have to know" he says placing his hand on my face

"I'm not into you! I love Link!" I say but that doesn't stop him from kissing me

I can taste smoke on him and I feel sick, I need to get his lips off of mine "WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT I DON'T LIKE YOU" I yell at him, pushing him away from me with all my force before turning around and opening the door before running out

"You'll come running back Hyrule" he yells down the hallway, thankfully he's not chasing after me

"You wish" I yell back before running down the stairs and out into the fresh air, thank god I'm out of there

I can finally breath, I take a deep breath in before getting into my car and driving away,

I pull up outside of Link's and get my phone out to call Urbosa "Zelda? Where are you I've been trying to call you all night!" She says in a state of panic

"I'm at Link's, I told you" I say,

"I called Link to ask him to relay a message to you but he said you weren't there" she says calming herself down

"I went to go and pick up some food first! They never have anything good to eat" I laughed "but I'm fine Urbosa I'm at their house now, I can pass you on to Link if your worried" I say

"No thats okay little bird as long as your safe" she says sounding a lot calmer now

"I'm staying here tonight is that ok" I ask her

"Yes thats fine" she says with a ling exhale

"I'll see you tomorrow, oh Urbosa what was the message?" I ask her

"I cant remember now" she says with a laugh "Link might" she says

"Link has a memory of a gold fish, if you tell him something it's like he goes to sleep for a hundred years and then forgets it" I laugh and so does Urbosa

"Goodnight my little bird" she says as I get out the car

"Goodnight Urbosa" I say with a soft smile before hanging up and knocking on Link's door

"Zelda!" Link says opening the door and encasing me in a hug "Where have you been? Have you been smoking?" He asks me and I shake my head

"I was at my fathers he smokes therefore the smell of smoke" I say with a smile, I hate lying but if I tell Link I went to see Ganondorf he'll probably hate me!

"Okay, you hungry" he asks and I shake my head

"I feel quite sick to be honest, I think I'm just gonna go to bed" I say and he looks at me with a concerned look

"Hi" Karson says walking through the door

"Hi Karson" I say with a small smile

"I have to speak to Karson I'll be up in a sec" Link says and I nod before walking up the stairs

A/N: I'm really sorry if I got any law stuff wrong I just thought surely if you stab someone you would have a trail and until the trail you'd be off on probation until your court date but please correct me if I'm wrong!

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