S1 Chapter 6

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Akram is being unusual since that day. Sometimes he pays surprise visits to Kadira's room, comes to dine with her often, brings her flowers and all other things She finds unusual. The most important thing is that he calls her Begum nowadays.

Dasis are giggling and talking how romantic Jahapana has become. This irritates Kadira even more.

Kadira also calls Sahir frequently , this irritates Akram. They both are fighting like cat and mouse, but those who sees them thinks that they are in love.

Rumors circulated to Leila. She is jealous at the new relationship between them and tries every possible way to keep Akram at her place most of time, Akram still finds time for Kadira.

"Maharani Leila, I heard Jahapana brought a golden hairpin ornament for Shahiba" A dasi snitched to Leila.

"And also Shahiba calls Jahapana on his first name basis" Dasi added

" What! Why did he brought her? He never buys me anything! , I never got to call him honey,she calls him on his first name basis" Leila said angrily.

" But Shahiba denied it saying she doesn't need that, still Jahapana insisted her " Dasi said.

" This is going out of my hand, He is being distant from me and getting involved more with her" Leila said angrily.

"Yes Maharani" Dasi said.

" Go, inform Jahapana that I am unwell and I need to see him" Leila ordered Dasi.

" Ok maharani" Dasi bowed and went to inform.

After a few moments~

" Leila what happened? " Akram said while entering her room.

" Jahapana,I don't feel good, I was better a moment back but after I visited Didi's room, I feel sick" Leila said while whimpering.

"What happened at her room? " Akram asked.

"Nothing happened Jahapana, I just ate grapes in her room and I feel sick now" Leila added.

" Grapes? I didn't know she had grapes in her room this morning " Akram asked her.

" Jahapana, She has it now " Leila said nervously.

Leila became irritated when she heard Akram concerning Kadira, whenever she tried insulting Kadira, Akram gives reasonable statements of her.

"Leila, rest well, I will ask Kadira later" Akram said while stroking her hair.

" Ok Jahapana " Leila said while snuggling his hand.

Meanwhile Kadira and Sahir are laughing at their conversation.

After that day, Sahir made frequent visits to Kadira's room. They talked, had frequent walks at garden and even meals .

Sahir is great at conversations. He made Kadira feel normal unlike others who made her feel like a doll. He flirts with her, gives information about the empire and brings her flowers too.

Today he brought her lilies. Lilies are Aseema's Favorite. When she was having a bad time, she would often smell lilies that lifted her mood.

They were talking about lilies, Akram entered suddenly.

"Akram, what are you now doing here? You should be in court!? " Kadira asked stunned at his presence.

" Begum, what were you doing with him? " Akram asked while pointing his finger at him.

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