S1 Chapter 5

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"Mantri what happened, why did you return back? " Akram asked Maha Mantri.

"Jahapana, I was stopped by Dasi and she said Sahiba prohibited everyone inside" Maha mantri said in a fearful voice.

"What!, Is Sahir Ali Khan inside ?, Answer the damn question mantri" Akram shouted.

"Yes Jahapana, he is" He said literally crying in fear.

"I won't allow it" Akram said and stormed to Queen's place.


Kadira is shocked to see Akram who stormed inside.

"Why are you here? I clearly ordered dasi to not let anyone" Kadira said while being irritated.

"Begum Kadira, What are you doing with a male in your room" Akram said gritting his teeth.

"Begum? That's new Jahapana , well that's personal, I can't reveal it" Kadira said annoying Akram.

This literally irritated Akram to the point that he grabbed Kadira's arm and stormed outside.

Meanwhile Sahir and Mantri stood there while processing what just happened till now.

At the Royal garden~

Kadira is being dragged by Akram, she is trying to remove her hand but his grip is getting more tighter when she tries to take away, so she finally stopped.

After being dragged to the center of the garden, Akram stopped and glared at Kadira for a few seconds.

"Akram! , I mean Jahapana Akram, why did you drag me here? You literally bruised my hands" Kadira shouted at him.

"Kadira enough! When are you going to stop this childish behavior? " Akram shouted.

" I will stop once you give me talaq" Kadira said.

"I don't understand why are you asking me talaq whenever I see you, can't you try to understand my side of not giving it to you? " Akram said convincing her.

"You don't love me and I don't know anything about why you don't want to give talaq, I want to listen why? " Kadira asked with curiosity.

"Kadira listen, you are the perfect queen for Shammad Empire and no one else can be like you and about being in love, I will also do that part, if that's what keeps you" Akram said calmly.

"I am not a perfect queen, you can teach Leila to be a perfect one and I don't want love now, when I needed it, you always treated me like wallflower and it really hurts to listen the word love coming from you" Kadira said being emotional.

It was not Aseema's voice, it was Kadira's voice, her emotions are flowing now and Aseema couldn't control what she is saying.

Akram felt the hurt and disbelief from Kadira's voice. He always thought she will be okay whenever he belittled her. He always thought she has no emotions at all, because she never showed it to him like now. She always had a bold front and this irritated Akram so he continued to treat her indifferent. He felt guilty for being the reason for her sadness.

"Akram, I won't stand tolerate a minute with you, you made me feel suffocate and till now you are making me, please just leave me, I don't want to suffer anymore" Kadira said while crying.

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