"I wish my mom had some kind of schedule so that I knew when she was doing what. She likes to pop up at the most inconvenient times," Jimin muttered, rolling her eyes as she searched for her eyeliner.

"Well, she's a doctor, right? Her schedule has got to be pretty random, right?"

"Yeah, but she did a good enough job over the summer being gone all the time. I don't see why now she has to randomly come home when I'm content with her being gone," Jimin admitted, painting a careful black line just above her eye with her eyeliner.

"It's weird that you prefer your mom less involved in your life," Yuuto stated.

"Yeah, well, she's not really the typical mom type anyway," Jimin replied bluntly. She set down her eyeliner tube and checked over her appearance in her mirror. Approving of herself, she picked her phone up and took it off of speaker. "That's what I'm used to anyway, so it's weird when she tries to actually be a mom."

"It's just weird to think that people could have such different opinions of their parents," Yuuto clarified.

"Yeah, I agree." Jimin went to her closet to find something to wear. "But it was different with my dad. He and I got along great, and even though he worked all the time, he always took time for me, and to understand me. My mother does not understand me at all."

"You never talk about your dad."

Jimin blinked, her thoughts freezing for a moment, before she cleared her throat. "Yeah well, it's still hard sometimes to."

Yuuto didn't say anything for a moment, and neither did Jimin as she looked through her clothing. "Hey, Jimin."


"I just want you to know that... we're friends."

Jimin furrowed her eyebrows a little bit. "I know."

"Yeah, but I want you to know that I know. Because I know it bothered you when I kind of liked you, but I don't spend time fawning over girls who don't like me back," Yuuto admitted. "So, I thought you might feel better knowing that."

Jimin felt a smile appear on her face because she'd been right about Yuuto. He really was turning out to be a good friend. "Well, thanks."

"No problem. I'll see you tonight - I've got to go see if I can get some liquor."

"Good luck," Jimin said, laughing lightly, and then the line ended. Jimin was still smiling to herself as she grabbed some skinny jeans and one of the few shirts she had that clung to the right parts of her upper body, and quickly changed.

An hour later - and one hour before the party was set to start - Jimin was already at Minjeong's house. "Have you met Lincoln?" Jimin was asking her girlfriend as she laid across her bed with her feet at its head. Minjeong was presently half in her closet and half out, looking for something to wear.

"I did once," Minjeong answered, "last year sometime. He seemed really sweet."

"Yuuto is still freaking out about not having met him," Jimin said. "Apparently, Aeri won't tell him anything about her date with him, and he thinks they had sex." Minjeong raised an eyebrow as she glanced back at the dark-haired girl. "Really? They didn't."

"I didn't think so." Jimin propped her chin on her palm as she looked across the room at her girlfriend. "Haven't you found something to wear yet?"


Suddenly, Jimin's phone vibrated to indicate a new text message. She grabbed it off of the bed next to her.

From Jeno - Are you still mad at me?

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