Chapter 45

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Leah and Luffy and their crews were in Shakky's staring at Rayleigh. Everyone except Leah looked shocked. "You were the Pirate King's first mate!"

"Indeed I was." Rayleigh said taking a sip of his drink. "We met many people and our crew got bigger."

"That's until the marines captured the king?" Todo asked.

Rayleigh took a swig of his drink before answering. "Roger was never captured, he turned himself in."

"What?!" The pirates shouted.

"Yeah, Roger turned himself in." Rayleigh said.

"But why would he do something in." Rayleigh said.

"But why would he do something like that?" William asked in disbelief.

"Because he was dying." He said sadly. "Before our final voyage, Roger came down with a fatal illness."

"It was fatal and put him in a lot of pain, thankfully we found a doctor who could help, but there was not a cure for Roger so we invited him to join our crew for our final voyage." Rayleigh said ruefully. "And luck would have it, Crocus wanted to search for a pirate crew that went missing on the Grand Line."

"Huh... did he have a large, scared whale?" Atlanta asked.

"Crocus!" Brook sobbed. "He came looking for us."

"He was only with us for that one voyage but he was one of us." Rayleigh said fondly. "We even had a couple of apprentices with us buggy..."

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami groaned in annoyance. Leah brightened up. "Hey, we encountered him, did he have a large red nose?"

"Yes, he does." Rayleigh said.

"So, he was telling the truth, he did know my dad." Leah said.

"Wait you met Buggy?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, he and his crew were throwing a party." Atlanta said laughing. "When he saw our captain he got weirdly angry because she reminded him of her father, we even ran into a Whitebeard commander."

"And that would bring us back to our final apprentice Shanks." Rayleigh said. "I saw him again when he was making his way to the New World missing an arm."

Leah and Luffy grinned widely. "We went to many different places and discovered many of the world's secrets."

"Wait hold on you know what the One Piece is!" Usopp shouted. "Can you..."

"Shut up!" Luffy shouted. "The point of our journey is to find out what the One Piece even is!"

After a moment of awkward silence, Nico Robin stood up. "When me and the crew were on Skypia I found a poneglyph with Roger's name mentioned on it."

"Yes, we found many of the poneglyph's throughout our time on the seas." Rayleigh said.

"Did you find out about the lost civilization?" She asked.

"We did but it's incomplete and if you find all of them then you will probably come to a different conclusion then we did."

Robin closed her eyes. "I see, then I will continue my adventure."

Rayleigh smiled. "Now, I plan to coat your ship free of charge."

"Waho!" The pirates cheered.

"It will take three days to finish each ship, so in the meantime lay low as an admiral is hunting for you." Rayleigh instructed.

"You got it." Leah said, giving a thumbs up.

Rayleigh smiled watching as the crews interacted with each other as they set up to get moving.

To be continued...

Thank you all for reading. Sorry for the chapter being short and taking a while. I just finished seasonal work and looking for a new job and I also just got back from visiting my family. Hope you all had a good holiday and a happy New Year.

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