Chapter 20

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On the docks of Baydon on the island of Jers, shipwrights were building and fixing ships. Days on the docks go on like this with workers working during the day, getting rowdy at the bars during the evening, and sleep soundly at night.

The day seems to be going the same, even as the Slithering Snake approached the dock. The ship docked and the crew minus Atlanta left the ship. Atlanta meanwhile was hammering wood boards to cover the hole on the deck.

The crew walked around the port town. The Okay twins were looking through stores quickly looking for gunpowder. Truffle was looking for cooking ingredients she needs. William helping to carry whatever is needed. Hon was with Leah looking after the crew while they shopped for supplies.

Back with Atlanta, she was finishing up with the hole. The job was shabby, but it filled. She heard the plank creak. She turned and saw three men with swords come aboard. One of them grins at her, "Well it's been along time Atlanta." The last one said.

The one grinning had a shinny bald head, five o'clock shadow, and tattered shirt and brown pants. The other two had unkept hair and had clothes just as tattered as the bald man. The two look no older than 15. "Not long enough Jeffery." She said.

He laughed. "For you maybe, but I have waited along time to see you again after you destroyed my organization and, so those who wished to dispose of me were able to do so."

"Shame they couldn't kill you."

Jeffery looked at her agreed. "You couldn't be a good little girl like the rest of them, now because you bashed the kings head in, while in bed mind you, there was a fight among the royals then the revolutionary army stepped in and any hope I had of starting my business up again vanished."

"You ruined our lives!" She shouted at him.

"What life? You and the other girls were living on the streets going through trash for any scraps of food I took you in and you got three meals a day and all I asked is for you to go to bed with whoever I tell you to." He yelled at her. "When I saw your bounty, I hope to see you again because with your bounty I will be made whole again maybe even start my operation again."

Not even a moment later, Atlanta charged and swung the hammer hitting his jaw. He landed face first on the deck on the ship blood gushing from his mouth. She then used the hammer to bash Jefferey's head in, his minions stared in shock and fear one even peed his pants. She stopped pounding her tormentor she turned to the two henchmen. The two stared scared seeing the glare they were seeing, scared of the demon of a woman that just brutally murdered their boss. "Do you want same?" She asked with a voice that could kill a man.

The two shook their heads before running off the ship. She looked down at her former tormentor. She then closed her eyes and pictured herself as a little girl. She had long hair and scrawny. She was standing shaking in fear. "Atlanta!" The distorted voice of Jeffery shouted. "Get overhear King Andrew wants you in his bed!"

She shakily moves her way towards the voice before her vision faded and saw her younger self running into the outskirts of the city before collapsing near a riverbed. She started sobbing uncontrollably and screaming. Atlanta opened her eyes and started screaming.

Once she was done screaming, she knelt on the floor before getting into the fetal position crying. Time passed before she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. She tensed before she quickly turned and saw Truffle giving her a look of concern. She looked behind Truffle to see the crew staring at her and the dead body of Jeffery.

Atlanta background chapter and it's dark. It's short. I hope you all are having a better day. Thank you for reading.

The twelfth supernova: LeahHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin