Chapter 26

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Captain Davis Warwick was looking into his telescope to see his target pulling a dinghy straight towards his ships. "Prepare our nets!" He ordered loudly.

"Yes captain!" His crew shouted.

Grining madly, he pulled out a ship canon and aimed it at the dinghy. Lighting it, the canon fired. The ball quickly made it's way to the dinghy only to intercepted by liquid chocolate. Seeing this, Warwick became enraged. "Destroy that ship!" He shouted.

He watched as Truffle launched the canon ball at his other ship damaging it. Truffle launched herself to that ship and fighting the crew. Davis grinned again, 'Fire Mouth Trace should take care of her.' He thought returning his focus to the mermaid.

On the other ship, the leader Fire Mouth Trace was glaring at Truffle. The shirtless, long haired man pulled out lit torch and took a deep breath before releasing the breath releasing a torrent of firing at the long armed woman burning any of his underlings that got in the way.

Trace laughed watching the fire dissipating. "I am the strongest fire user in the world."

He looked at his underlings screaming in agony. He scoffed in disgust at their cries. He was looking up he saw a chocolate fist aiming right at him. Quickly dodging he launched another stream of fire. What he doesn't see is that truffle turned herself into a puddle and snuck up behind him.

Engulfing the flame user in chocolate. "Do you surrender?" Truffle asked.

"No!" Trace shouted.

The underlings charged at Truffle and stabbed her. She was unaffected as her chocolate body made I intangible. She sighed using her chocolate ability to incapacitate the crew. Trace glared at her. "I refuse to surrender, I will become the greatest flame user and the crew will be the strongest, the Fire Fist has nothing on us."

Truffle sighed before she threw him off the ship. She then threw the rest of the crew off the ship. She launched herself into the air the created a large hard chocolate boulder before dropping it on the ship obliterating the ship.

She looked around and saw her friends on the large ship surrounded by enemy pirates. She kicked down separating her friends from their enemies. Landing on the deck with the rest of her crew.

"Good to see you Truffle." Leah greeted her cook.

"Good to see you to captain." Truffle said.

"That was awesome!" Atlanta shouted.

Truffle blushed and was about to speak but William spoke. "Can we pat ourselves on the back after we get this done."

"Right!" Leah shouted looking at Davis Warwick.

The four pirates stared at the enemy pirates surrounding them. The enemy was about to charge when the ship started shaking.

"What was that?" One of the enemies asked.

"Did we hit a rock?"

Leah grinned. 'The plan was working perfectly.'

She looked at the enemy captain who was getting enraged. "If your looking for a fight big guy then you have found one."

Thank you for reading everyone. Sorry, that it's short again. Next one should be longer. Hope you all are doing well.

The twelfth supernova: LeahOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora