Chapter 14

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The slums of Manil were in chaos, marine canons shooting the homes of those that live there. The army firing on any that try to enter the port city proper. Those close to the forest entered the forest in the hopes to escape the carnage.

In a large mansion, a shipping magnant was doing paperwork when he got distracted by the lights from the fire. "Mang close the curtains, I need to focus on work and the light coming through the window is distracting me." He told the maid.

With Leah, Hon, Atlanta, Truffle, and William were running through the slums. Leah saw marine ships approach the shore of the slums. They dock and marines start pouring out of the ships. The four turned toward the marines ready to fight.

The four were about to fight the marines before the ground rose cutting off the marines from the slums. "What?" The four-thought shocked.

"Come on let's take advantage of this and head for the city." Hon shouted frantically.

The four continued running towards the city. They see a line of soldiers blocking the entrance into the city. Leah activated her haki to put the soldiers to sleep. They went into the city followed by the residents of the slum following close behind looking for a safe place.

City residents started to panic. The four pirates and a doctor fought soldiers trying to kill people entering the city. Leah was slashing every soldier came in her way, Atlanta sending soldiers flying, Truffle encasing her enemies in hard chocolate, William whipping the necks of soldiers, and Hon cutting the ligaments of their opponents' arms and legs.

They fought their way to the kings palace. They encountered an iron gate blocking their way. "Atlanta break that gate." Leah ordered.

Atlanta swung her hammer at the gate toppling it down. This alerted the kings guards. Twenty soldiers charge at them. Truffle activates her Devil fruit and engages in a battle with the guards. "I got them go!" She yelled at her crew.

The four ran toward the palace and entered the palace. They entered the main hall but stopped when they saw a large man at 6ft 8in at the top of the stairs. "Dr. Honoria I would be happy to see you, but you are getting in the way of progress."

"What you are doing is progress?" Hon asked flabbergasted.

"Yes, to be seen as prestigious we have to do some beach cleaning of useless things." He argued.

The sounds of canons firing could be heard through the open door. Leah looked around and marines lined up aiming their rifles at the group of four. Leah activated her haki knocking the marine out. The large man withstood the pressure and laughed. "It will take more than that to take me down!" He yelled at Leah.

He flexed his muscles tearing his uniform off. "You will know why I am the commander of the Manil Base!"

"So, this is that Merrit guy that I talked to."

Her companions sweet dropped. 'You couldn't tell.'

Merrit became enraged. "How could you not tell when I started talking?"

"The snail sounded different." Leah bluntly answered.

Merrit became more enraged. He jumped from the top of the stairs; his right fist ready to punch Leah. He threw a punch. When the punch landed the force created a gust of wind strong enough to blow the scarfs off the soldier's necks. Merrit smiled until he saw that his punch was blocked by Leah's sword sheath.

"What?" He asked in frustration.

"Guys I got this, go stop the king." She ordered.

"Yes captain." William and Atlanta said running up the stairs with Hon.

Merrit pulled his fist away ready to punch the pirate captain. Leah swung her sword sideways at the commander. He jumped back dodging the swing.

The two enter a standoff. A moment passed before Commander Merrit smirked. "Do you think that the doctor and your two friends will get to the king?"

With William, Atlanta, and Hon, they were running through the hall to the throne room. Suddenly a knife was thrown at Hon but was stopped before it could make contact with the doctor thanks to william's quick action with his whip.

They stopped and turned to see three men smirking at them. The one on the left is holding a knife in each of his skinny arms. The one on the left is holding a knife in each of his skinny arms. The one in the middle was also skinny like the one in the middle but had brace knuckles on his knuckles. The final member of the group had the body of an upside down gorilla, the mans head was where the buttox would be with his legs where his arm would be and his arms where his legs would be.

"This is as far as you go." The one with the knives shouted.

"We are the kings personal guards, you will not enter the throne room while we are around." The middle one said.

William and Atlanta looked at the gorilad bodied man in stunned disbelief. 'What the hell?' They both thought.

"Focus!" Hon shouted at the pirates. "I know that he looks completely buffoonish but do not underestimate him."

"Why?" Atlanta asked only to receive a punch from the gorilla's foot.

"Upside down gorilla punch." He yelled.

William launched his whip at the man using brass knuckles only to step back and dodge the attack. The guard with the knife threw a knife at Hon only for Hon to deflect it with their scalpel. The three guards had their opponents.

Back in the main hall Merrit and Leah were still staring each other down waiting for their opponent to make the first move. Merrit's arm turned black while Leah released pressure from her haki.

To be continued.

Think I am going to start doing the to be continued (and I can't believe that I haven't done it sooner). I am glad to get this started. Thank you for reading and hope you are having a good day. Please leave a review.

The twelfth supernova: LeahKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat