Chapter 27

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Davis Warwick is not a peaceful man. He also is not a man to hold his temper. Seeing a single pirate crew take down four of his last ships infuriated him to no end. His face was completely red and the lock that his head was going to explode.

"YOU BITCHES!" He shouted, forcing many on the ship to cover their ears. "YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING!"

Most of Warwick's men were cowering in fear, shaking and slowly trying to put some distance between them and their captain. Taking a few deep breaths, he stood up and pulled out a large ax. "I am going to chop you up and then I am going to burn the island o the ground." He said charging Leah.

He swung down only for Atlanta to use her hammer to intercept it. The two began struggling in their stalement. Atlanta, building up her strength, pushes up throwing the large captain off balance. She glared at him ready to take him head on.

His crew looked at Atlanta shocked at the display. "Captain?" She asked.

"Yes." Leah answered calmly.

"I can take this asshole." Atlanta said.

"All yours." Her captain told her.

Atlanta smirked jumping into the air ready to smash the giant captain. He quickly swung his ax in the hope of intercepting her only for his ax to break. Eyes widened not noticing Atlanta swing up hitting the captain in the chin sending him flying off the ship.

The Warwick pirates' eyes popped out of their eye sockets in shock. "CAPTAIN!"

Atlanta placed her hammer on her shoulder looking off into the distance. Truffle's eyes turned to pink hears and drool started to fall from her mouth. The rest of her crew stared at Atlanta impressed.

Smiling Leah looks around at the Warwick pirates. "So who still want to fight?" She asked in a bored manner.

One of the Warwick pirates rushed at Truffle stabbing her in the back. Atlanta seeing this was undeterred. "You okay Truffle?" She asked her.

Truffle smiled bashfully. "I'm okay just amazed is all."

"What the hell my sword is stuck!" The pirate that stabbed her shouted in shock.

"Oh, almost forgot about him." Truffle said in embarrassment before kicking behind her launching hard chocolate at him knocking him into the ocean.

"CHARGE!" One of the enemy pirates shouted as they charged at them.

1 hour later

Leah and her crew were on the docks clinking mugs of beer with the workers. "Kampai!" Everyone shouted.

One of the dock workers was playing a fiddle as the pirates and working were drinking and dancing in victory. The enemy were now either captured or killed. Leah looked around the docks seeing Atlanta and Truffle laughing and drinking together, the twins were dancing a jig in front of the fiddler with an audience of workers clapping along to the rhythm. William was drinking clapping a long to the music. Hon was still treating the last of the minorally injured.

She finished her mug before signaling for a refill. Looking around she found Gail looking our onto the ocean. She took a large gulp of her beer before making her way to the mermaid. "You should be joining your mates, drinking in victory." She told the ship builder.

Gail sighed sadly. "It was a victory."

"Then why aren't you celebrating?"

"Those pirates were after me and were willing to kill my fellow craftsman and burn the docks to the ground."

"You plan on leaving?"

Gail nods tears starting to fall from her eyes. "I will help supervise and make a ship for you, but I don't know where I am going to go after."

"Then join my crew." Leah said encouragingly.

Gail turned towards the pirate captain, shocked. "What?"

To be continued

Sorry for the long wait. Life has been busy. I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you all are doing well.

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