Chapter 21

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Outside of the ship William was looking at the rudder of the Slithering Snake to see that it has been destroyed. He sighed before going back up the ship. He saw truffle dumping the body parts of Jeff into the ocean, the twins scrubbing the deck to get rid of the blood. He saw his captain came with a bucket of soapy water and brush the deck with the twins. "Captain, the rudder has been destroyed, the ship is no longer sea worthy."

Leah looked up and sighed. "So that Jeff guy had our rudder destroyed while Atlanta was fixing the hole."


"Bastard he torments my first mate and now we can't go out to see, I wish I could get on the beating with her."

Truffle looked at her captain shocked at her concern for crew. "Do you want me to check in on her, I know that Hon is looking after her, but I don't know how that will go."

"I think that's a good idea, just be patient with her." Leah agreed.

Truffle nodded before heading for the kitchen first. She started cooking steak and mashed potatoes. She saw Hon walked past frustration apparent on their face. She finished her cooking, she went down and knocked on Atlanta's door before opening it. "Atlanta, I brought your favorite steak and potatoes."

She saw Atlanta doing push-ups. "1,001, 1,002, 1,003..."

"Atlanta." Truffle said louder.

Atlanta stopped and sat up to turn around to face Truffle. "Hon tried talking to me, it hasn't worked."

"I'm not Hon and I come baring food." Truffle said handing her plate of food.

Atlanta graciously accepted the food and started eating. Between bites of food, she looked at truffle who sat on the floor in front of her. "I still don't want to talk about it."

Truffle nods her head. "I just want to make sure that you are not alone."

Atlanta stared at her not knowing what to say. She continued eating her steak and potatoes. Truffle looked down before speaking. "My mother never saw my sibblings and I as children to love, but as tools for her pirate empire." She started to explain. "We are either strong enough to be an officer or we get married off and refuse o be married o a man."

Atlanta smirked slightly at hearing that. "That guy that I beat into the deck?" She asked.

Truffle nodded. "He was my handler, he would deliver us to powerful men in Nalegnd for money." Atlanta said on the verge of crying. "The king wanted me, so I was given to him, but I fought and killed the king."

Truffle giggled. Atlanta gave her a confused look. "I'm sorry but I never got to beat the man my mother set me up with."


"Have you heard of the Celestial Dragons?" She asked.

"Who hasn't, they're the world nobles and they have an admiral at their beck and call."

"Well one of them fell in love with me apparently and offered my mother a membership in the World Government for my hand in marriage."

"You turned it down." Atlanta asked on the verge of laughing. "Your mom must have been pissed."

"She was, but she was even more pissed when my sister Lola ditched her to a member of the giant royal family."

Atlanta laughed out loud. "You mom has terrible parenting skills."

Truffle smiled. "You got that right."

Outside the door the twins were listening in on their conversation while the rest of the crew were on the deck of the ship. William was looking out towards the ocean a depressed look on his face, Leah looked frustrated, and Hon had a look of contemplation on their face. "We need a new ship." William stated on the verge of tears.

Leah sighed. "We better do it quick before the marines send someone to come after us."

On the docks, a thin but muscular woman was carrying the mast up the ramp and toward a hole on the deck. She then dropped the mast into the hole finishing the construction of the ship for a bunch of merchants hoping to transport goods. "Alright everyone the job is complete!" She yelled to everyone.

Some of the merchants stared at her mouths wide open. When they first layed eyes on her they thought she was a secretary with the beautiful face with a beauty mark on the upper right corner of her lip and mid length wavy brown hair. "Your ship is ready to set sail tomorrow morning."

That took longer than I expected. We will finally meet the shipwright next chapter in the meantime hope you enjoyed and all is well. 

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