Chapter 28 Miracle vs. Miracle

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Chapter 28

 It finally became the end of our stay at the inn and we all thanked the innkeepers. We loaded onto the bus and I sat next to Kagami, since I couldn't find Kuroko. Then Kagami murmured to himself, "I have to get better." "You know," I said, "You are improving more and more." "How did you get here!" he yelled and then Kuroko said, "She followed you in here and sat with you. Oh, and I have a message for you from Midorima." "What did he say?" I asked. Kuroko answered, "Here is the message for Kagami. He said that the only thing is that you could jump. That you are cursed with idiocy." "Oh, that bastard," said Kagami angrily and Kuroko added, "He also wanted me to say, not to lose until he defeats you." Kagami didn't seem angry anymore and then Kuroko said to me, "He wanted me to ask you if you want to join him and his school." "That's not going to happen because I wouldn't be playing with you guys," I answered. Then the captain walked over and said, "That's good Ren, because I would kill you if you ever left our team." He looked angry, but I didn't care. I sticked up for what I believed in, which is always keeping promises. If I can't keep a promise, then I feel like an asshole for believing in that. I was in a deep train of thought, when the coach announced, "We are not going home right now." "Why?" everyone asked and she answered, "We are going to go watch Kaijo High vs. Tōō High." "Why didn't you tell us," asked one of the seniors. She answered saying, "You guys wouldn't have trained hard enough if I told you."

 When we got there, I walked beside Kuroko and I said, "Where did you put Number 2?" We sat down and he said, "Don't tell anyone, but he is in my backpack." He quietly unzipped his backpack and Tetsuya #2 poked his head of the bag, licking my face. I giggled and petted him saying, "Hi Number 2." Kuroko quickly zipped the bag closed, as one of workers of gym walked past us. I then i asked the coach, "Is it ok if I could go to the bathroom?" "Sure," she answered, "Bring someone with you." "I'll go with him, since that bus ride was long," said Kiyoshi. We both got up and walked to the bathroom.

 As we walked, it looked really awkward because I was super short, while Kiysohi was super tall. Walking down the long halls, with vendors trying to sell junk food to people. We walked in silence until I went inside the guys bathroom and guess who was there... Aito. I wanted to turn around and leave, when he yelled, "Ren!!!" He ran over to me and started hugging me, while Kiyoshi was confused. When Aito finally released me, I said, "Oh, Aito this is Kiyoshi Teppei our center and Kiyoshi, my brother Aito Daisuke." "Nice to meet you Mr. Daisuke," said Kiyoshi in respect and Aito said, "Please call me Aito."

 After going to the bathroom, Aito walked with us back to our seats. "Ren!!" a familiar voice said. I turned around and got tackled by a girl with blonde hair. When I could finally see who tackled me the person started saying, "I can't believe Kise invited me." That so sounded like Trinity and I said, "Trin, could you get off me please?" "Oh," she said, "Yea, sure sorry." "It's ok. Just do that to Kise and not me." Then Trinity started telling me about how Kise wanted her to come to the game for Lady Luck, and I said, "Oh, that's good you came here to support him." 

 When we got back to our seats, the game had already begun. Aomine's team had already scored a three pointer and Kise's team had zero. Kise was trying to copy peoples moves and Aomine stayed on Kise. It kept going back and forth, shooting one after another. Then it soon enough became half time. Kuorko needed to take Number 2 to the bathroom, so I went with him and didn't follow him since I had to clear my head. I walked around outside the gym, when I saw someone familiar saying to me, "Hello Ren... How are you?" "Coach Bird? What are you doing here?" he asked. He answered, "That brother of yours was suppose to come to Boston yesterday and he skipped out." "Oh," I answered. Sometimes when Aito was suppose to go back to Boston, he skips out on it because he wants to stay here. "I haven't see you in a while coach... I'm sorry I haven't come over to Boston much," I said and he said, "I know, I've heard you are playing here, from that older brother of yours." We kept chatting about the past and some things I need to work on. "The game is going to start soon, so you better get back inside to go watch the rest," he said turning to see Kuroko start walking and I said, "Aren't you coming in?" "Yes," he said, "But I want more fresh air." I nodded and he walked away, as Kuroko walked over. "Who was that?" asked Kuroko and all I answered, "An old friend."

 The third quarter went by quickly, but the fourth quarter was the only thing that stood out between those two quarters. That was when Kise was playing as good as Aomine. The game looked slow from a viewers perspective, but when your playing it's super fast paced. While they were playing, I noticed on the scoreboard that there was four fouls on Tōō High that were all Aomine's. Then when the buzzer went off, I looked at the scoreboard. The score was: Kaijo 98; Tōō 110. Then Trinity quickly got up and jumped out of the stands and ran towards Kise. He couldn't get up, so I guess Trinity felt bad, but then she backed away when she saw Kise's captain walk over to him to help him.

 People stayed, but I left with the rest of the team. While I walked with Kuroko and Kagami, I saw a super tall guy walk by me. He had purple hair and eyes, he walked by eating a bunch of sweet candy. I couldn't see his face correctly, but my hunch was that he was a "Generation of Miracle".  

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