Chapter 3 The Tutoring Session

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Chapter 3

Of course he didn't stay awake. I woke him after class and asked him if he would like to go to the school library with me. He said it was fine, so now I'm here waiting for him to show up. I was sitting at a table writing an essay when a little girl came over and asked me, "Can you help me please with my homework! My mom is going to pick me up soon, so I need it done. So can you please help me!" I looked at the girl and said, "Of course I will. You look like you need a lot of help you can get with it. Your name is?" She sat down next to me and said, "I'm Keiko Tanaka. Whats your name?" "I'm Ren Daisuke," I said as we started working on it. When we were done with her homework I started reading to her. By the time Keiko's mom came to pick her up, Kuroko was already there waiting for our conversation to end. The woman was Rachel Troy, my physical therapist from a long time ago. She was married to a man with the last name Tanaka, but her husband left her with Keiko and the dog they owned. She talked to me about if I could tutor her daughter and I agreed to do it for free, which the mother was grateful for it. Before, Keiko left, she gave me a hug and said, "Thank you Ren. I hope to see you tomorrow."

When Kuroko sat down he said, "I didn't know you tutored people." "I don't really tutor anyone. She came up to me for help, but instead of one thing, we did all of her homework." He took out his history work and I took out mine. We both started working on the World History homework. We had to write a paper on how did France get into economic trouble to start the French Revolution. I said, "The French Revolution got into economic troubles because of the deficit spending. They had a national debt, so how do you think it happened?" He was really paying attention now so he answered, "Because King Louis XVI was spending the money on parties and wars, like the American Revolution. Those wars weren't even being fought by them." "Correct," I said. We kept going over history, until it was an hour before practice. We both put our work away and walked out of the library. I heard the librarian say, "They could look like a good couple, if that brunette boy was a girl." I felt bad because I couldn't be a girl anymore, until my hair grew back.

As we walked down the sidewalk, he asked me, "So you have four brothers?" "Yea. Oh, yea I should ask this, I guess. Would you like to come to my house some time to meet them?" I asked smiling. He looked shocked because it looked like no one asked him before. He smiled back saying, "If it's ok with you." "It's fine with me because your the first person outside of my home who has ever listened to me." He looked at me and said, "That's good to hear." "My family is having a barbecue, if you would like to come, just come. It's on Sunday after the Girl's Volleyball team plays." I handed him the address of my house and we both walked into the gym at the sport center.

Everyone was shooting warm ups, so I sat on the ground and stretched. I heard footsteps behind me and someone hit me on the back of the head with their fist saying,"Hey bullshit." I turned my head around and saw Kyle Shay, my old friend from middle school, standing right behind me. I was shocked because I moved away from home to get away from this jerk. I looked up at him and he said, "Hey Trent! Get your ass over here! Ren's here!" I turned and saw our ace from middle school, Trent Mantle who use to be our center. Trent walked over with a basketball and he looked taller than he use to be. He use to have light brown short hair, but know it was long with purple dye in it. He said,"Wow, its the shrimp from our middle school team." He laughed and Kyle added,"Why are you here? You can't play anymore." "What if I'm here with my team, huh," I said and pointed at him yelling, "Also, I challenge your team to a scrimmage game!"


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