Chapter 24 The Offer

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Chapter 24

I woke up on the day of the Tōō game to find myself at my work desk writing lyrics to the new song. The first thing I did was look at the lyrics and I said, "Ack!" The whole entire lyrics wasn't about what I wanted. It was all about Kuroko! Also the talent show was tomorrow! How the heck am I going to get lyrics quickly?" Then I heard Aito yell, "Ren we need to get going in 20 minutes!" I quickly rushed to get showered and dressed. Then in the middle of getting dressed, I was trying to decide how I would present myself. As a girl or a guy, but I choose to wear my wig to make me look like a girl. I then chose the regular boyish attire and a pale yellow hoodie. I then ran down the stairs and Eita was there waiting for me to go eat my breakfast. I wolfed down the huge meal and ran out the door to go to the game.

When we got to Tōō High, I rushed to go find my team and with me I brought my basketball gym bag just in case I could play. Today I wouldn't be playing with them, but I would be on the bench cheering my team on. When I found Coach Aida, she hugged me and asked, "Did you bring your bag?" "Yes," I said quickly and then I held it up. She smiled and said, "I'll keep you on the rooster, even though your arm is still healing because I have a lot of faith in you Ren. Hiding your gender was really brave, in my opinion. While you pretended to be a guy, I always felt there was a girl on the team being a leader." I nodded and thanked her and the coach hugged me. She lead me to the locker room, where I saw everyone getting their basketball shoes on to get ready. I just stood there and set my bag down saying, "Have a great game everyone." They all looked up and the captain said, "We will win this one for you Ren." I quickly changed in the guys bathroom, not in the locker room to go change into my uniform. Everyone nodded and I gave them the thumbs up to show I was happy. Then Coach Aida said, "Its time."

I walked with them out to the court and Kuroko stopped me saying, "Wait Ren." "Yes?" I responded. He then said, "I'll do my best to make sure that we win this for you." He then turned away and started walking towards the basketball court, I yelled, "Wait Kuroko!" He turned to see me running towards him and then hugging him. "Ren?" he said a little surprised and then I said, "Thank you for being so kind to me, I really appreciate it." Then when I wasn't paying attention, he lifted my chin up so I could look into his eyes and then he kissed me! What! I... I.... What! I then seriously became confused, not knowing what the hell I was suppose to do! Like I don't want to look bad here, but I've never kissed a guy before! When it ended, he left in a rush to make it to the game. I quickly snapped out of it and ran right behind him.

The game started with a jump ball, with Kagami and the other center jumping in the air. He sadly got to the ball last with the other center getting it. Then I the game picked up its pace and became super fast because everyone was running. It was hard to see who was running and then I saw Kuroko with them stealing passes and passing it to Kagami. The quarters went by super fast and with the first and second quarters going by with us Tōō High and us in ties. Kagami and Kuroko were keeping there promise, but I knew that it would be a hard one to keep since Tōō High was a super good team. Then it became the second half and we all headed into the locker room. Then the captain and some of the other seniors said, "Man, I'm so hungry!" "Don't worry, I brought something for you," said the coach, taking out some kind of dish. It had some lemons in it that weren't cut up. Then the captain opened the dish and everyone looked at it. The captain started crying with the other seniors and said, "We told you to always cut them!" I walked over to see what the problem was, and then I saw the disaster. The lemons were suppose to be cut, but they weren't, so then I walked over to my locker and took out the ones Eita made me. Then the seniors looked over at one of the other seniors and said, "Did you bring the other lemons?" He took out a beautiful dish of cut lemons and then they took it from him. They started to scarf down the lemons, while the coach was in a corner ashamed.

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