Chapter 27 The Chase

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Chapter 27

It turned dinner time in the afternoon. We had to eat three bowls, just like breakfast. Dinner consisted of teriyaki chicken bowls, with broccoli in them, and with carrots added to the bowl. I couldn't eat anymore after the second bowl, and with that I threw up my food. My stomach wasn't meant for eating a lot, I had to eat little because it was so weak. "Another bowl added to your meal Ren!" said Coach Aida. I grumbled as I brought my food up to the kitchen for more. I couldn't take this anymore! This was worse than what Aito brought me, but we have to deal with this as a team. When I was done eating and getting through this torture, I went to get my running shoes on. As I looked around for my bag, I saw Kuroko come in and ask, "Do you want to go running?" "Sure," I said.

When we got outside we saw Kagami running outside, so we tried to catch up to him. "Kagami wait up, you're running to fast. Ren and I can barely keep up," said Kuroko panting and I said, "Yea, wait up." "What are you guys doing here!?" he said and Kuroko answered, "Were here to cheer you up." "Yea," I said smiling and he said, "I can't beat Midorima, like you Ren." "It's not going to be easy. It's going to be a lot of work to beat the 'Generation of Miracles'," I said. Kuroko nodded and we kept running for the rest of the night, until it was time to go to bed.

I woke up the next morning, again with Kuroko with his arms around me. Was this a sign? Did he love me? Well, maybe just as a friend, since I think of him as my brother. I again, like always, tried to get out of his grip. This time though, he held on tight. He was weak like me, but this time he was holding me more strongly than last time. I kept trying to get out of his grip, when he said, "Stop moving." "What," I said looking at his face. He opened his eyes and murmured, "Could you stop talking this loud in the morning." I just wanted to get up, stretch, and get ready for the day. All he wants is for me to stay here and be late. "Kuroko, I need to get up and get ready for practice," I said. Then he closed his eyes and saying, "Just a couple more minutes." "Fine a couple more minutes," I said.

After sleeping in for a while, I made him let go of me and I went to get ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. Instead of walking to the cafeteria, I went to the parking lot where they had a basketball hoop. I picked up the basketball on the ground and started to shoot around. Then I heard Midorima's voice saying, "I think he does have a talent." "Yes, agreed. I wonder what it is because he never uses it," said the voice of his friend. I walked towards the voices and eavesdropped on their conversation. "I bet it's more powerful than Akashi's talent. Maybe that's why he wants him on the Rakuzan team," said Midorima. His friend said, "I really want to know! I don't think he knows himself. Uh.." He looked down at me in the bushes and I said innocently, "Hi guys." "How long have you been there?!" yelled Midorima and I answered, "I better get going then." I started running and they started running after me yelling, "Get back here!"

Running in the inn wasn't a good idea because one, they were faster than me. Two, we could hurt or break something and someone. Three, I was just too weak. I ran down halls and corridors, to the beach. I ran down the beach with them chasing after me. The sand made them a little slower, but it made me slower. When they finally caught up to me, they both grabbed me and Midorima grabbed me by the collar of my shirt yelling, "What did you hear from us!" "I'm not going to speak," I answered. His friend said, "We should bring him back to the team's area in the inn."

They brought me to the part they were staying in the inn and the other team members were trying to get me to talk. I didn't say anything, but they did punch me and beat me up. Those didn't work either, but I said, "When can I get back to my team?" "He's useless," said their coach walking in, "Why don't you guys let this guy go?" "He eavesdropped coach," said Midorima's friend. "Oh really, who cares! Just let the boy go," said their coach. They let me go, so I went to the cafeteria to go eat and face my first battle today... breakfast. I sat in between Kagami and Kuroko saying, "Good morning guys." "Good morning Ren," said Kuroko, "Wait, why is your cheek bruised?" "Oh, this?" I said pointing to the bruise on my face, "I accidentally fell." I couldn't necessarily say, hey everyone I was beaten up. No, you got to suck up the pain and tell people you're alright. Well, for me that is. Kagami then said, "Well, it doesn't look like you fell. It looks like someone beat you up." "I guess it does," I said trying to smile. They didn't look happy that I was beaten up, but then someone covered my eyes and said, "Guess who." "Trent, is that you?" I asked and the voice replied, "Nope, it's Kyle." My eyes were uncovered and I saw it was Kyle alright. He smirked and I said, "What do you want?" "We are leaving today, so I'm here to say goodbye," he said.

I went to where Ned, Trent, Ai, and the rest of where the Yuta team was. I sat in between Trent and Ned saying, "I hope to see you guys soon." "I'll miss you Ren!" said Trent hugging me. Then Kyle said, "Trent, you're suffocating her!" Trent let go of me, while I tired to start breathing again. "Remember to look out for Stephan, he was a real killer," said Ned and Kyle added, "Oh yea, I haven't seen him in a while. He was a fierce forward." Stephan was our deadly forward on the team, but he wasn't good enough to beat me ever. He would always play against me one on one after practice, but he would always lose. He probably hated me for winning every time, but I didn't notice it because I was trying to hard to graduate middle school. "He isn't someone to mess with," I said, "He could make you scared of him, while playing, but he never got me scared."

When we finished talking, I ate my breakfast with them and Coach Aida made sure I ate four bowls of rice since I didn't eat with them. I got some help with eating this from Trent because he could eat a lot of food like Kagami. Also, their team made him eat less than he usually did, so I got help with finishing my meal. Then it was time for them to go, so I left them alone. They needed to pack up and get ready to leave.


- Well, I was wondering who should unexpectantly just show up in the next chapter when Kise plays Aomine? Any suggestions? Maybe Akashi should go just to see the game, or maybe Aito just coming in yelling at Ren that he missed her.

- Well, like always if you want you can fan me to keep updated to the story or other stories I'm slowly writing, vote for the story, or comment your suggestion on who should unexpectantly show up in the next chapter.

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