Chapter 11 The Encounter

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Chapter 11

As I walked through the front room of my house, which was wide open. Wait, wide open! I walked down to the kitchen not wanting to find out what was going on. I found all of my brothers passed out on the kitchen floor. I then heard someone say, "Hey Ren. You like what you see huh?" I turned to find Ned and Trent right behind me. I yelled, "You bastard!" He grabbed me by the neck and shoved me to the wall and started choking me. I tried to speak but I couldn't and Trent whispered, "The next game is against Shotoku High, you better win, if not you'll be back on our team." They ran out of the house and I sank to the floor thinking how did I manage those years to play with those guys. Then Ai came out of the shadows and punched me in the eye saying, "You better play hard." "Why?" I asked almost in a whisper. She laughed and punched me again, but in my bad jaw. She said, "Because, I'm their new female basketball player on a guys team. I expect to see you win against Shotoku High."


The next day was Friday, so it was a school day. So, Trinity walked with me to school and she said, "I feel so tired and sleepy." "You know sleepy and tired are the same things, Trinity," I said. She saw the black eye I got and she said, "I haven't seen you lose a fight before, Ren." "Yea, yea, yea, your don't need to tell me." I walked away from her and into the guys bathroom, where I had to go because I was dressed as a guy. Trust me, for other girls this would be nasty but, with a house full of guys I didn't care. I looked into the mirror at my black eye examining it. Then I heard someone gasp and Kagami was right next to me and he yelled, "How did you end up there! You appear sometimes out of nowhere!" "Its not my fault!" I yelled. He then noticed my black eye and said, "Where did this come from." He used both of his hands to grab my head, so he could examine my black eye. I then said, "Kagami, this is weird." "Who did this to you?!" he yelled at me. "My old teammates and their new girl companion," I answered with a straight face. He looked shocked and said, "A girl is playing on their team? Wow they seem desperate for guys to play. Having girls on a team is a waste because they are to short and wimpy to play." "No, they want a girl on their team, so she can beat a good player by using the girl's speed and agility," said Kuroko who scared Kagami. I said, "Exactly, they want to make Ai build on what she already knows and make her my replacement for the team." " But, your not a girl you idiot!" yelled Kagami. I said," I'm actually a girl."


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Sry it's short but I made the last chapter a little long, so I decided to make one short Chapter

This is dedicated to DarkWolf99 for giving comments that help inspire me to write :D

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