Chapter 20 Swim Exercises

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Chapter 20

It was finally three days before we played against Tōō High against Aomine Daiki, the ace player of the "Generation of Miracles". I had heard many stories, but I needed to go talk with Ned, Trent, and Kyle. If you can guess, Yuta High already played them. As I walked to the restaurant, I felt like someone was following me. I tried to ignore it, but it felt like a shadow was following me. Then I heard my brother Eri say, "Ren, where are you going?" "Nowhere," I said innocently. He then yelled at me, "Idiot! Today is Eita's birthday!" Oh crap, I totally forgot about that. Every year we get him gifts that are all related to a theme. Last years was tickets to the 2012 Olympics in London, England. We got him tickets to go see the judo, since he does that as a sport. "What are we doing this year," I asked and he quickly said, "You know what the theme is going to be, is cooking stuff." I nodded and said, "I need to go meet someone somewhere, so I'll be back home with the stuff. Bye." I ran off to the diner quickly to not be late.

When I got to the diner, none of my friends were there, so I just chilled out and bought myself some french fries. French fries were my favorite things to eat and my favorite I have ever had were at At & T Park, where the SF Giants play. They were so good and sadly Japan didn't have these magnificent fries. All they had was plain fries, which were a good substitute. As I walked to a table and sat down, I heard a slurping noise and looked up to see Kuroko. He was just slurping down a milkshake like there was no tomorrow. He smiled saying, "Hey Ren, nice to see you." "How did you get here," I said because that was the only thing that came into my mind. He laughed saying, "I walked here of course." Looking at his smile right now, made me feel like I was melting in my seat. "Hey shorty, why did you order without us?" said a familiar voice. I looked up to see Ned. He was taller than me now, even though we use to be the same height in middle school. Then Trent and Kyle walked in laughing about something.

We all got down to business, with me first introducing Kuroko to them. They were happy to meet a "Generation of Miracle" and to know more about Teiko Middle School. Kuorko said, "I use to play with Aomine the most while at Teiko. He knew how to catch my passes and he could beat anyone on our team. It ends up later on that he got bored of playing people who couldn't play as good as him." Ned nodded and said, "We had Kyle on him the whole time, but Kyle got creamed." "You make that sound like I got beaten up. That Aomine guy needs to be stopped, or taught a lesson. Trent, what do you think?" said Kyle. Trent shook his head saying, "I'm just worried because Ren can't play the big guy this time." "Even if I can't play," I said, "I still have faith in my team. I think Kagami could play him, but it would be a little bit difficult. I'm not trying to say we don't have faith in him, it's just that Kagami hasn't found what his talent is in basketball and Ren hasn't either. Most of the Serin team have found their talents." "What do you mean by talent," said Kuroko. Ned answered, "For example, Midorima can shoot from anywhere on the court." We kept talking amongst ourselves about Aomine, until Kuroko and I had to go and leave to go to practice.

We walked there and I asked, "What did coach say we were doing today?" "Pool exercises," Kuroko responded. I sighed and thought, now that they know I'm a girl what is going to happen now? As we walked into the sports center and into the locker room, the captain walked over to me and kneeled on one knee saying, "My dear Ren, would you please put this on for us?" I looked down at what the captain was holding and it was a bikini. It wasn't really a appropriate at all, it had areas on it that showed to much. Then Coach Aida came in and said, "Alright swimming exercises." Then she looked down at what the captain was holding and yelled, "What the hell Hyūga!" She goes by the guys last names sometimes when she gets mad. Then she quickly punched him in the face and yelled, "You pervert!" "Umm, I don't mean any trouble, but I have my own swimsuit," I said taking out swim trunks and a swim shirt surfers wore while surfing. They didn't know what a swim shirt was because there is no surf in Tokyo. Coach Aida then said, "Your not changing in here. Come with me." I followed her out of the locker room while I heard the captain and the other seniors crying, "We tried."

I was changing in Coach Aida's father's office, that she said was ok. She was in there with me as I change, which I didn't care because we were both girls, like come on duh. When I was about to get my swim gear out, she threw something at me. I looked at what she threw me and it was a cute bikini with ruffles in it. It was super cute, but I never would wear this. "Wear it. I always wanted a sister, and I feel like your my sister," said Coach Aida. I smiled and said, "I'll put it on then." She hugged me and she left the room. I quickly put on the swimsuit and walked to the pool area. When I got there, the guys were just staring at me while in the pool. Kagami yelled, "Come on Ren let's start the exercise!" "Well, Ren isn't going to swim today, since her arm is broken and I don't want people to get the wrong idea."

While everyone was doing the swimming exercises, I sat on the sidelines and putting my sling on for my arm. It hurt really bad still, but not as much when it broke the first time. Oh, you think that was the first time I broke that arm? No, I have broken that arm four times and it isn't that bad. Then I heard the door opening, which was weird because nobody was allowed in here. I looked over towards the door to find this girl with pink hair walk in. She had beauty that could not be described, since I knew I didn't have that beauty. She walked over to the captain, because everyone was out of the pool. She wore nothing but a zipped open sweater and a aquamarine colored bikini. She then said, "Hi, I'm looking for Kuroko. I'm his girlfriend." Everyone's mouth dropped and looked towards Kuroko. "Momoi is not my girlfriend," said Kuroko. I could feel the jealousy in the room and I felt jealousy coming from me too. Who does that to people by just telling people they are your boyfriend, like come on. Then she started listing the people she knew in the room that were very popular players. She said, "That's Hyūga Junpei, the captain of the Serin team," she pointed at him saying. Then she looked at others players and said some, but a few of the players were not named, making them fake cry. Then when she looked at the coach saying, "Your Aida Riko, the coach of the team." She turned to me and said, "And I don't know who you are?" She walked towards me and walked around me. I just stood there and said, "What is there to look at?" The she looked at my face carefully and said, "You look so familiar, like the time when the "Generation of Miracles" played in the Americas." I quickly brushed the idea away by saying, "Yea maybe you did because I was in the stands watching the game." She nodded and said, "Probably your right."

She asked Kuroko if he could talk with her and the coach said it was fine, maybe because she got annoyed by Momoi. Everyone was jealous and Kagami asked if he could go outside, which he was allowed to do if he brought me. We both got changed back into street clothes, while I kicked Kagami out of the locker room for me to change, and we headed outside.

Being on the outside court was refreshing. We both started shooting around, when we heard a unfamiliar voice say, "So, your Kagami Taiga the ace player of Serin High." I looked over at who it was and he was someone I didn't know at all. He had dark tannish skin and he had short blue hair. I didn't know who he was, but Kagami rudely said, "Who the hell are you?" I wanted to punch Kagami for being rude, but the guy responded, "Aomine Daiki."


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