Chapter 22 Beating the Undefeated

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Chapter 22

The next day at practice everyone was ready to play. Then when we were playing a scrimmage game, with me as a sub. While they kept running up and down the court, Kagami then falls down for some reason. Then Coach Aida walked over and looked at Kagami, then punched him the face yelling, "You did something to yourself to get hurt!" I walked over and said quietly, "Ummm, could I sub in for him?" Coach Aida was so mad, that she said, "Go ahead!" As I walked on he court with my arm in it's sling and cast, I was just so excited to play. The freshman were happy to have me on their team, so I asked them where they wanted me to play and one said, "If you can play point that would bee fine."

The little scrimmage game started with me passing the ball into play. Another freshman was playing point with me, and they passed it back to me. I quickly dribbled the ball with my left hand towards the captain, ready for him to steal it. He was about to when I turned quickly around while still dribbling the ball and went around the captain. I quickly went towards the basket and ducked the ball. I then let go of the rim and made the landing down from that tall hoop. Then when the seniors had it, I was totally ready. The captain got the passed to him to start the play, so I ran down the court following him. Every move he did, I kept following him. I didn't swat the ball out of his hands, but I kept following him right next to him. I knew just being there made people scared, since they didn't know what to do when that happens. Then I knew it was the right time, so I quickly stole the ball from the captain and charged to the net. I then passed it to Kuroko and he looked surprise. I said, "Shoot it Kuroko!" He then passed it back to me, but I passed it back to him. He then tried to shoot the ball, but it hit the rim and then I quickly jumped in the air dunking it in.

After practice, I walked to Tōō High. Trinity was playing volleyball there, so I just went to support her. We hadn't talked in a while since she had to go to volleyball practice and she had to go to cheerleading practices. We were just to busy to talk, but only at school. The game had already started when I got there, so the place was packed. Then someone yelled, "Hey Ren!" I turned my head to see Kise just waving at me and motioning me to sit with him. When I sat down with him, I noticed Midorima there too. I bowed my head at Midorima and said, "Hello." He just nodded and I just wanted to flip the guy off, which I didn't. We sat there in silence as Trinity played. Nobody said a word until the quarter ended and Kise said to me, "Wow, Trinity is scary as a captain. She acts just like Akashi when he was the captain of the Teiko Junior High. I looked at Kise and asked, "Who is Akashi?" "You've never heard of Akashi?" said Midorima amazed. "I think I might have, but I don't know what he looks like," I said. Then Kise pointed to a guy with red hair in the stands. The guy had a yellow colored eye, and a red colored eye. "That's Akashi Seijūro over there, the captain of the "Generation of Miracles"." Then Kise noticed me shaking and he asked, "Why are you shaking?" "I feel like I've met this guy," I responded quickly.

When the game ended, I walked to where the locker rooms were. Serin had beaten Rakuzan High in volleyball for the first time ever in our history. Rakuzan High was the best in all sports, including basketball. As I walked to the away team locker rooms, I saw the Rakuzan High volleyball coach yelling at his girls. Then I saw Trinity walking back from the playing on the court. When she saw the other coach yelling at the other team, she touched the coach's shoulder saying, "That was a nice game coach." She smiled at him and then he smiled back saying, "Thank you for playing us captain." They shock hands and Trinity walked over to me yelling, "Ren!" She hugged me and I said, "Hi Trinity."

While walking out of the gym, we saw Midorima and Kise there waiting for us. Then I noticed they were talking to a red haired kid. "Hi guys, who's the short kid," I was about to yell at her when I noticed it was Akashi. He looked at her saying, "Don't look down on me." He took the scissors from Midorima and was going to hurt Trinity! He was going to cut her hair, so I went in the way of Trinity and got some of my hair cut from him trying to cut Trinity's hair. My hair was growing longer now, but I don't care if it's really cut though. Then Midorima held Akashi back, so he wouldn't hurt Trinity. Then I felt pain near my head, he accidentally broke the skin near my head. It started bleeding and Trinity said, "Oh god, I'm sorry Ren for saying that to get you hurt." She looked at Akashi and yelled, "What's the matter with you!"

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