Chapter 10 My Great Sunday

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Chapter 10

It had already been a hour and I ached all over. Those guys beat me so hard I could barely move. Trinity was on the ground and she was sore all over. Blood was all around me because they used a knife and gave me deep wounds. The little kids that were playing on the court were huddled near us crying. Then one of the kids yelled, "Please help us, somebody!" I took the child's hand and said, "We'll be fine." The child kept crying and yelling for help. I was getting dizzy from the loss of blood and then I heard some people running over to us. I heard Kagami say, "Holy shit! There is so much blood coming out of this girl. Wait, isn't this that girl with Trinity before at the dance?" I could see Kuroko looking at me as he crept down to see me and he said, "Her eyes are half open, we need to bring them both to the hospital." Then I heard Trinity get up and she yelled, "REN!!" The guys looked confused and Kise said, "No Trinity, this isn't Ren, your hallucinating." She kept saying my name and she took my hand and said, "I'll get those guys for doing this to you."


I woke up and touched my jaw. It had a bandage on it and I could barely move it. I looked around the room to find Kuroko asleep while holding my hand. I ran my hand through his soft light blue hair. Then the door opened and the nurse came in. She saw me awake and said, "Your very lucky Miss." "Umm, how do you know I'm a girl?" "Well, you have the parts to be a girl." I then had the look of disgust on my face because of course they would check me over and of what she said. The nurse walked out and chuckle while walking out. Then, I stopped running my hand through Kuroko's hair and thought, what if he found out!? He opened his eyes asking, "Why did you stop?" "Do you know my secret..." "That your a girl Ren, yes I do. I had a hunch for a while because I saw you on the first day of school, looking like a girl. Also, guys wouldn't normally hang out with girls, unless dating," he said. I looked down, ashamed of myself, when for no reason he kissed me! I then pushed his face away and said, "Why did you kiss me?" "Because, I... I..," Kuroko started to say when Kise came into the room breaking the moment. He said, "Trinity was already taken out of the hospital!" Trinity ran out from behind Kise and ran towards me saying, "Ren, you idiot. Please don't scare me!" Her parents walked in from behind Kise and said, "Ren, we hope you are feeling better. Your brothers would be here today, but they had to do things today. We didn't tell them because we didn't want to bother them because they seemed stressed lately." "Yea, it's okay. I would have said the same thing because they are always worried," I answered.

Everyone left, except for Kuroko. He looked at me and asked, "Why did you help those kids?" "Because, it was the right thing to do," I said. He touched my cheek and said, "Why didn't you call anyone, like your brothers?" " Because, I can't allow that to happen to other little kids," I answered. Then he looked like he was going to kiss me again, but my brothers opened the door quickly with Aito yelling, "Don't mess with my sister!" Daiki, Eita, and Eri came out ready to beat Kuroko up. I said, "Shut up, would you guys. This is a hospital, not the outdoors where you must fight to live." We all talked about me trying to get to the Sunday barbecue we would have and to make Trinity's volleyball game beforehand. They said I could probably make it, but they weren't sure.

The next day, the doctor said all I had was a jaw injury which was healing really good so I could go. We drove first to the volleyball game, where we met up with Kuroko, Kagami, and Kise, who Aito invited because they saved Trinity and I's lives. I didnt know this before I came, but Trinity was the captain of the Girl's Volleyball Team! I had no idea that she was, because it was rare to see a freshman be the captain of a team. The seniors didn't look mad at her for being the captain at all. They actually looked scared of her and also happy. The game started with Trinity jumping in the air and spiking the ball. It went over the net quickly, with speed. The opposing team was Kaijo High, Kise's school and one of the girls bumped it. Another girl set it to another girl, who then spiked it. Trinity yelled some commands to the other players who did the same thing. Then she ran to the net and twirled around. She then spiked it, so hard that it hit the floor before anyone could touch it.

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