Chapter 19 The Gender Confession

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Chapter 19

For the past couple of days, I tried to stay away from the team a little. I didn't really want to leave the team because I loved playing with these guys. In the first place, they cut the girl's basketball team and I didn't have anywhere to go. Also if I play on a girl's basketball team, I can usually beat their ace player like Aito keeps telling me I could. I don't really care if I'm the best, or the worst I just wanna play basketball.

Going to school the next day was different. The rumors still went on about me maybe being a girl. As I walked to my locker, I saw Kuroko there waiting for me. Since we first met, I feel like we became friends and I hope I know him for a long time. When I got over to my locker, he said, "Good morning Ren, can I talk to you?" "Sure," I said. I followed Kuroko outside and he sat on a bench, while I stood. He said, "Ren, we have been friends since the beginning the basketball season." I nodded in agreement and he continued, "I just want to say, that if your a girl I'll still be friends with you no matter what and I understand if you don't want to tell us because I can see that you love basketball like me." I wanted to cry at those word, out of happiness because I wanted to hug him and say that I was happy I was friends with him. This gave me a idea and I would probably tell them at practice,

When I got home, I was mostly pacing back and forth in my room. I was ready to go to practice, but I needed to tell them the truth, but I also knew that I would be kicked off of the team if I did that. I wouldn't be allowed to since I was a girl. Then something came in my head if I got off the team, I could help with Keiko's club team or I could play on a girl's club team. When I thought about it more closely, I had so many more options to chose from. If I couldn't play, I could be a sport photographer or a basketball announcer. I knew this was just a little thing I could give up in my life to help others, like Keiko's team.

As Aito drove me to practice he was very upset at my decision, but he said it might be for the best. I wasn't happy about it either, but I knew it was for the best. Walking down the hall to the basketball court made me nervous. What would I have to do to fully persuade them? When we finally got to the court, I saw everyone there shooting baskets and of course I couldn't with my broken right arm. Aito followed me over to the bench where Coach Aida sat. She was writing on her check board and when she saw Aito, she smiled. Are you here to help out with practice today. "No I'm not sorry, I'm here for Ren today," he said and nudged me. I then said, "I need to talk with the whole team."

Talking with the team wasn't something I was use to because public speaking was in the skills I had. I first started out by saying, "I know some of you guys have heard the rumors about me being a girl, right?" Everyone nodded and I continued, "For these past couple of days I left school because I felt insulted by that. I just didn't know what to say, but that I'm sorry for letting you guys down." I turned away from them and opened my gym bag and hid from them the girl wig. I quickly put it on, turning toward them and saying, "You guys were right, I am a girl and I'm proud to say that!" Everyone was hushed and I looked over at Kuroko. He wasn't really surprised, but I guess that was because he looked sleepy all of the time. "I don't care if you guys are going to judge me because I'm proud to be me! If you don't want me on the team just say it," I said, "I heard from a famous basketball player in the Americas named Earvin 'Magic' Johnson, 'They said playing basketball would kill me. Well, not playing basketball was killing me.'" I was about to walk out of the room, when Coach Aida clapped and said, "Ren, I never said you could leave. I want you to stay on the team and I think you have the right to play this level with us." She hugged me and I started to cry because I was so happy. The rest of the team ran over and we all had a group hug.

Knowing that my team was on my side, I was happy after practice. I told them never go easy on me because I was use to it by now. They all acted like brothers to me, but Kagami just acted like Kagami. At the end, I walked home because Aito got a call that he needed to go to the Americas. I started walking home when I heard Kuroko say, "You were a girl all along, weren't you Ren?" "How did you know," I asked. He answered laughing, "You acted a little bit differently than a guy. You never got angry easily and you looked like you got annoyed easily by Trinity." We kept talking back and forth until we parted, so I could go home.


Ok guys this is it when Ren tells them she is a girl. What is going to happen next? Will she be kicked out of the school? Well comment, vote, and fan me if you want updates on this story :D

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