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"These... humans will become like me."

The Doctor and I slip behind some machinery

"Prepare them for hybridization."

'Happy Days Are Here Again' begins playing and everyone stops.

"What is that sound?"

The Doctor and I step out, a radio in his hands, "That would be us." He sets the radio down, "Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera."

"The enemy of the Daleks."
"Wait." Dalek sec stops them.

"Well, then. A new form of Dalek." He walks forward, "Fascinating and very clever."

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter."
"How did you end up in 1930?" I ask.

"Emergency Temporal Shift."

The Doctor scoffs, "Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, yeah?" He strides away, looking about, "Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world but instead your skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting." He takes a deep breath, "All of which results in you."

"I am Dalek in human form."

"What does it feel like? You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn't it? That's your name? You've got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you're thinking right now."
"I.... feel... everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such... a genius for war."
"No." I shake my head, "That's not what humanity means."
"I think it does. At heart, this species is so very... Dalek."
"All right, so what have you achieved then? With the Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! 'Cause I can show you what you're missing with this thing." The Doctor points at the radio, "Simple little radio." He pats it.

"What is the purpose of that device?"
"Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you're a Dalek of course. Then it's just noise." The Doctor aims his sonic at the radio and a high pitch wail emanates from it.

Sec holds his head in pain while the other Daleks act erratically.

The Doctor turns to us, "Run!"

Martha and I lead everyone through the sewers until we reach a point we don't recognize.

"Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!" The Doctor rushes past us.

We run down a tunnel and find Tallulah, "And you, Tallulah! Run!"
She starts running, "What's happened to Laszlo?"
The Doctor leads everyone to a ladder, "C'mon! Everyone up!"
We are all gathered around a fire in Hooverville.

"These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they wanna breed?"
"They're splicing themselves into human bodies. If I'm right, they've got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. We've got to get everyone out."

"Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall. There's nowhere else to go." Solomon argues.
"I'm sorry, Solomon. You've got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state, just get out of New York."

"There's got to be a way to reason with these things."
I wince, "No chance."

"You ain't seen 'em boss."

"Daleks are bad enough at any time, but right now they're vulnerable and that makes them more dangerous than ever."

A whistle is heard and someone comes running, "They're coming! They're coming!"

"A sentry. Must've seen something."

"They're here! I seen 'em! Monsters! They're monsters!"

"It's started."

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