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We are all hanging out in the tardis

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We are all hanging out in the tardis. The Doctor and Rose are both slumped in their chairs while Mickey and I stand by the console.

The two of them are telling a story to Mickey while I listen silently. We're all hanging out in the Tardis; the Doctor and Rose are both slumped in their chairs, telling the story of a past adventure, while Micky and I stand by the console.

"Um, what're you doing that for?" The Doctor asks, looking over at us

I glance at Mickey, who's been holding his finger on a button for at least half an hour.

"Cos you told me to..."

The Doctor blinks, "When was that...?"
I roll my eyes, "About half an hour ago. And you told him not to let go until you said so."

"Um," The Doctor pauses, "You can let go now."

Mickey lets go of the button, "How long's it been since I could've stopped?"

"Ten minutes... twenty... twenty-nine?"

"You just forgot me!"

The Doctor tries to justify ignoring him, "No, no no! I was just... I was just... I was calibrating. I was just... no, I know exactly what I'm doing."
Then the tardis console violently explodes, sparks and flames flying everywhere. We fall to the floor as the tardis shakes.

We all fall to the floor.

The Doctor scrambles to his knees, frantically trying to operate the console.

"What's happening?!" I shout.

"The time vortex is gone! That's impossible, it's just gone!" He sees something on the screen, "Brace yourselves! We're gonna crash!"

The tardis lurches and we're thrown backward. Gas masks fall from the ceiling, and all the lights have gone out, leaving us in the dark.

"Everyone alright? Rose, Mickey, Abby?"

The three of us answer before we all stand slowly.

The Doctor looks at the rotor and the console, "She's dead."

There's a clicking noise as the engines cool down, and smoke rises from the console.

"The tardis is dead." He whispers, slowly walking around the console.

"You can fix it?" Rose asks.

"There's nothing to fix. She's perished." He pulls a lever back and forth fruitlessly, "The last tardis in the universe... extinct."

"We can get help, yeah?"

"Where from?"

"Well, we've landed, we've gotta be somewhere." I say, walking to the door with Mickey.

"We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness. We're in some sort of no-place... the silent realm... the lost dimension..."

Mickey looks out the open door, "Otherwise known as London!" He laughs and steps out, and the rest of us slowly follow.

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