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Suddenly the alien is covered in electricity, and she drops the man. I grab Rose's hand, she grabs Harriets' hand and we all run out.

"No, wait!" Harriet shouts so we all stop, "They're still in there! The emergency protocols! We need them!"

She runs back in the direction of the cabinet room. Rose and I follow her, but we are quickly forced to change direction as the alien comes our way. She chases us. We run across a hallway, Rose closes the door behind us. The alien simply leaps through it. We end up back in another room, shutting the door behind us.

She's still chasing us. Rose tries a locked door. The elevator doors open and close, distracting the alien long enough for us to slip away.

We end up in a room where all the doors are locked.

Hearing footsteps running I shout at them, "Hide!" I roll underneath a table and I can hear Rose and Harriet hide.

I hear the door open and the alien comes in.

She speaks playfully, "Oh, such fun! Little human children... where are you? Sweet little humeykins... come to me... let me kiss you better... kiss you with my big, green lips." She hisses.

The door opens again and she speaks, "My brothers."
"Happy hunting?" Someone asks.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink." She says.

A third voice speaks, "Sweat... and fear."

"I can smell an old girl... stale bird... brittle bones." the second voice says.

"And two ripe youngsters. All hormones and adrenaline. Fresh enough to bend before they snap." The first alien flips the table I'm hiding under.

I scream in fear and Harriet jumps out of her hiding place, "No! Take me first! Take me!"

The Doctor crashes in and blasts a fire extinguisher in the aliens' faces, "Out! With me!"

We all run to stand behind the Doctor. He looks at Harriet, "Who the hell are you?"
She pulls her ID card and introduces herself. They exchange pleasantries before the Doctor blasts the fire extinguisher again. Then we run for it.

While running through the hall, the Doctor shouts, "We need to get to the cabinet rooms!"
"The Emergency Protocols are in there! They give instructions on aliens!" Harriet says.

The Doctor bypasses a locked door with his sonic and the aliens follow us back to the cabinet room.

There isn't time to close the door, so the Doctor picks up a bottle and holds his sonic to it, "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof! We all go up. So back off."

They hesitate.

"Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?" He asks.

One of the male Slitheen speaks, "Who are you, if not human?"

Rose and Harriet whisper between each other.

"Can I have a bit of hush?" The Doctor asks.

Harriet apologies.

"So, what's the plan?" He holds the bottle threateningly out in front of him, "You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. it's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of government, what for? Invasion?"
The second male speaks this time, "Why would we invade this godforsaken rock?"
"Then something's brought the Slitheen race here, what is it?" The Doctor asks.

"The Slitheen race?" The second asks rhetorically.

"Slitheen is not our species. Slitheen is our surname. Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer Day Slitheen at your service." the first Slitheen says.
"So you're a family." The Doctor realizes.

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