Is there a connection there..

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Richelle : umm Maisie you wanted to say something ?
Maisie : right yeah umm I'm umm I just wanted to say how well your doing at leading rehearsals
Richelle : aww thanks Maisie , was that it ?
Maisie : yeah thanks
(Maisie leaves the office full of regret)
Daisy : hey how did it go ?
Maisie : umm
Daisy : you didn't tell her did you
Maisie : no
Daisy : Maisie !
Maisie : I'm sorry I tried ok but I just couldn't say it
Daisy : it's ok come here
Maisie : I need to tell her
Daisy : yeah you do but if you want I'll come with you
Maisie : will you ?
Daisy : yeah of course, look you need to talk to Finley today though
Maisie : yeah I will
Daisy : and I'll talk to Tali
Maisie : ok
Daisy : Maisie it's gonna be ok I promise
Maisie : thanks oh Daisy
Daisy : yeah
Maisie : your a really good friend
Daisy : thanks
(Daisy walks off and Maisie watches her leave and smiles at her)
(Maisie goes to talk to Finley)
Maisie : umm hey , do you have a minute ?
Finley : yeah sure what's up ?
Maisie : I'm umm I need to tell you something and you can hate me and I completely get it if you do but umm I'm pregnant
Finley : what oh god Maisie I'm so sorry
Maisie : no don't it wasn't your fault you didn't know it was gonna happen
Finley : well umm I'm here for you ok and if you need any help with the baby then you know I'll be there
Maisie : yeah thanks
(Tali overhears the conversation)
Tali : you can't seriously be considering keeping the baby !
Maisie : Tali I
Tali : Maisie we have a competition to think about and we could be in A troupe next year , you can't honestly keep it !
Maisie : i know ok but I can't just get rid of it , it doesn't seem right
Tali : what so your gonna keep it and then what end up giving birth on stage
Maisie : no it wouldn't be like that
Tali : I've helped you ok but I can't help you anymore I just can't
(Tali leaves the room)
Maisie : well she took it well
Finley : don't worry about her , it's gonna be ok
Maisie : yeah..
(Daisy goes to find Tali)
Daisy : hey
Tali : oh have you heard this , Maisie she's thinking of keeping the baby
Daisy : oh right
Tali : what is that the only thing your gonna say
Daisy : well I'm shocked but she can do it
Tali : are you mad , how can Maisie do this she's a dancer for a start and she's got a competition to worry about, I mean the stress she's gonna be under and everything
Daisy : Lily was a dancer and she managed alright didn't she
Tali : yeah but Lily wasn't dancing at the time I'm just trying to look out for Maisie
Daisy : well if your looking for her then you should be there for her , because me I'm gonna support her all the way through this because Maisie needs someone and I'm gonna be there ok
(Maisie hears Daisy speaking)
Tali : alright I'm sorry , I'll be there for her
Daisy : good the whole team will be ok , we're gonna get Maisie through this
(Later that day , Maisie texts Daisy to meet her)
Daisy : hey I got your text , what's up ?
Maisie : oh nothing I just wanted to dance with you
Daisy : what
Maisie : I heard what you said to Tali earlier and the way you stuck up for me , I just well I'm grateful for that
Daisy : it's ok
Maisie : no really I don't think I could of got through any of this without you , so thank you
Daisy : yeah it's fine
Maisie : so do you wanna dance then ?
Daisy : are you sure that's a good idea ?
Maisie : yeah of course it is
(Maisie and Daisy start doing a duet)
Maisie TH : whilst I'm dancing with daisy I don't know I just feel something it's like there's an electrical spark between us
Daisy TH : I've never felt this close to Maisie before
Daisy : well that was nice
Maisie : yeah it was
Daisy : so what do you wanna do now ?
Maisie : this
(Maisie kisses Daisy , Daisy kisses her back)
Daisy : umm I need to go sorry
(Maisie is confused at Daisys response)
Maisie TH : I didn't think she would react like that
Daisy TH : what just happened, do i , do i like Maisie ?
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Where stories live. Discover now