B troupe and A troupe day

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Finn TH : for James workshop he needs four hip hop dancers and me , Heath , Kingston and Ozzy decided to do it
Heath TH : I can't wait to perform in front of James
Ozzy TH : James is amazing , so I hope he likes our dance
Kingston TH : I've been working so hard recently ,  I can't wait
Piper : ok guys so we have chosen four dancers from B troupe to also go to the workshop and you will dance on stage with one of these boys , so Scarlett and Macy you two are already in so the other two dancers are going to be , Poppy and Phoebe
Poppy TH : I can't wait to dance at the workshop in front of James
Phoebe TH : I'm so happy I got chosen
Piper : ok so we will have Heath and Scarlett , Ozzy and Poppy , Macy and Kingston and Finn and Phoebe
Phoebe TH : I can't wait to dance with finn , he's such an amazing dancer
Finn TH : this is going to be the best day
Kingston TH : Macy is a really good dancer , so this gonna be a lot of fun
Macy TH : I can't wait to work with Kingston
Scarlett TH : I can't wait to dance with Heath he's an amazing dancer
Heath TH : dancing with Scarlett is gonna be great
Ozzy TH : I can't wait to work with Poppy , it could be fun
Poppy TH : dancing with Ozzy is just what I need to stop worrying about everything
(James arrives)
(Everyone runs over to James)
Phoebe TH : I can't believe James is actually here
Piper TH : great James is the centre of attention again
Piper : ok guys , yes I know it's exciting that James is here , but you guys should be rehearsing so start rehearsing
(Everyone ignores Piper , Finn sees)
Finn : ok guys ! , Piper is in charge so rehearse
(Everyone starts rehearsing)
Piper TH : unreal so when I speak no body listens but when finn says exactly the same thing they listen
(Finn and Phoebe start dancing together)
Phoebe : I'm so happy we got paired together
Finn : me too , your an amazing dancer
Phoebe : so are you
(Scarlett and Heath start dancing)
Heath : your a great dancer , your just like a young Richelle
Scarlett : why does everyone call me that , I'm nothing like Richelle !
Heath : ok I'm sorry , I didn't mean to , what I meant was your a great dancer
(Scarlett smiles)
Scarlett : thank you
(Heath smiles)
Heath TH : one minute me and Scarlett were just dancing together and suddenly I couldn't take my eyes off her , she's amazing and I could stare at her all day , wait I am crushing on Scarlett ? , no no , I can't be , Can I , oh god I think I like her ? , I need to get out of here , I need to swap partners
Heath : umm I'll be back in a sec
(Heath runs out the room he goes to find Ozzy)
Heath : hey bro can we swap partners
Ozzy : what no , I'm with Poppy and our dance is going great
Heath : yeah but I'm with Scarlett and she's basically like Richelle , so then it would be like your dancing with Richelle and you've always wanted to dance with Richelle
Ozzy : oh no I got over Richelle
Heath : well can't you just like her again
Ozzy : no I'm not swapping partners
Heath : please Ozzy , I'll do anything
Ozzy : hmm ok
Heath : really
Ozzy : no
Heath TH : Oswald is so annoying , I guess I'm gonna have to go to finn
(Heath goes to find Finn)
Heath : hey finn bro can I talk to you for a sec
Finn : sure
Heath : can we swap partners
Finn : what no way
Finn TH : I've just been paired up with Phoebe and I'm not letting this opportunity go
Heath : please you can dance with Scarlett
Finn : I don't want to dance with Scarlett I want to dance with Phoebe
Heath : please bro
Finn : no go to Ozzy
Heath : I asked him and he said no
Finn : wait why do you wanna change your partner anyway ?
Heath : umm no reason
Finn : oh well sorry I ain't letting Phoebe go , so go to Kingston
(Heath goes to Kingston)
Heath : hey bro
Kingston : hey what's up ?
Kingston TH : I know exactly what Heath is going to say and my answer is no
Heath : so umm
Kingston : no
Heath : what but you haven't even heard what I was going to say yet
Kingston : I already know what your going to say , and no I'm not swapping partners
Heath TH : wait how did he know that
Kingston : enjoy being with Scarlett
Heath TH : great I'm stuck
(Heath goes back to Scarlett)
Heath : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : we're you trying to get rid of me ?
Heath : what no of course not , I mean your a great um dancer , so I would I , no of course not
Scarlett : ok
Scarlett : why is your face bright red
Heath : what oh this I must of got sun burnt
Scarlett : what
Heath : anyways let's dance
(Kingston and Macy are rehearsing)
Kingston : it's looking great
Macy : yeah it is
Kingston : want to take a break , grab a juice ?
Macy : sure
(Kingston goes into the next steep with Macy and he sees Lily)
Lily TH : oh great my ex boyfriend
Kingston : Lily ? , what are you doing ?
Lily : well I don't know if you guessed but I work here
Kingston : wow
Lily : can I get you something ?
Kingston : I'll just a strawberry juice , Macy what do you want ?
Macy : I'll just have the same
Lily : right here you go
Kingston : thanks , well we better get back to rehearsals so yeah
Lily : yeah bye
Kingston : see ya
Ozzy TH : the work shop is tomorrow so we have to get this routine perfect
(Kingston and Macy rehearse their dance)
Kingston : I think it's perfect
Macy : yeah it is
Kingston : cool
Macy : cool
(Heath and Scarlett are rehearsing)
Heath TH : I'm trying so hard to not think about her , but this dance is making it impossible
Scarlett TH : this dance is going great but some ting is definitely going on with Heath
Heath : so the dance looks great
Scarlett : yeah it does
Heath : well I umm think we rehearsed enough so I'll see you tomorrow
Scarlett : oh ok
Scarlett TH : this dance is going great but Heath doesn't seem like he wants to dance with me , and I don't know why , maybe it's nothing
(Finn and Phoebe rehearse their duet)
Finn : we're gonna smash it tomorrow
Phoebe : yeah we are
(Finn doesn't let go of Phoebes hand)
Finn : sorry , your just so beautiful
Phoebe : aw finn thanks
(Finn tries to kiss Phoebe but she backs away)
Phoebe : finn what are you doing ?
Finn : I'm sorry
(Finn walks out the room)
Finn TH : I don't know what I was thinking kissing Phoebe , I hope I didn't mess everything up
Phoebe TH : why would finn try and kiss me , wait does Finn like me ?
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