Late night reherasal

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(Macy and Scarlett rush to the hospital)
Macy : hey I'm looking for finn he's my brother is he ok , please tell me he's ok ?
Doctor : Finn is stable but you can't see him right now
Macy : but he's my brother and I'm getting married tomorrow
Doctor : well I'm sorry we will keep you updated
Macy : ok thanks
(Scarlett holds Macy's hand)
Scarlett : he will be ok
Macy : I hope so
(Macy rests her head on Scarletts shoulder)
(Back in the studio)
Carrie : hey do you wanna go over the choreo ?
Laura : yeah sure
(Carrie and Laura start doing the nationals choreo but their eyes are completely on each other)
Carrie TH : there's just this spark that you can't ignore
Laura TH : when we dance together you can just feel the connection we have
(Laura and Carrie get to the slow part in the dance and they start walking towards each other)
(They look into each other's)
(Carrie kisses Laura and Laura kisses her back)
(They get lost in the moment)
(Back at the hospital)
Doctor : hey guys Finn is ok , he's going to need to be monitored for the next 24 hours but you two can go , enjoy your wedding
Macy : thanks
(Scarlett goes with Richelle  and Macy goes with Cleo)
Carrie TH : we have this connection that you can't ignore
Laura TH : it's electric , I love Bailey but there's something between me and Carrie too
(James calls Piper)
Piper : hello
James : hey it's me
Piper : oh James hi
James : umm I just called to say I heard about finn and I hope he's ok
Piper : yeah he's doing ok
James : and are you ok ?
Piper : yeah I'm ok
James : good well umm I better go , see you
Piper : yeah bye
Piper TH : the fact that James called me to check up on me , it shows he still cares which is nice
(Carrie goes back to Piper)
Piper : hey you ok ?
Carrie : yeah I'm fine , I'm gonna head to bed night
Piper : ok night
Carrie TH : I have no idea what am going to do now
Closing titles

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