The sleepover

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Piper TH : I can't believe I saw finn kissing polski , I don't know what I'm gonna do now , but right now I need to focus on the team
Piper : ok guys listen up regionals is tomorrow , so we need to sort a lot of things out , so we are going to have a sleepover tonight , so you can resolve all your problems , so go home grab your stuff and then we will get started
(Piper goes back into her office)
(Scarlett is in studio B trying to clear her head)
Macy : has anyone seen Scarlett ?
Poppy : I think she went to studio B
Macy : thanks
(Macy goes into studio B and sees Scarlett dancing)
Macy : hey are you ok ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm fine
(Scarlett starts to tear up)
Macy : Scarl what's wrong ?
Scarlett : it's Richelle , her hip has got bad again so she might need a hip replacement so she might never be able to dance again
Macy : aw Scarlett
(Macy hugs Scarlett)
Macy : she will be ok
Scarlett : and what if she isn't
Macy : she will find a way
Scarlett : I love you
Macy TH : did she just say that she loves me
Macy : I love you too
(Scarlett kisses Macy)
Scarlett TH : Macy is the only person who I wanna be with right now
Macy TH : I'm gonna be there for Scarlett and we're gonna get through it together
(Cleo sees looking miserable)
Rubie : sis what's up ?
Cleo : nothing I'm fine
(Cleo keeps checking her phone)
Rubie : why do you keep checking your phone every five minutes what's going on ?
(Cleo shows Rubie her Phone and it's a video of Kenzie and Jude hanging out and a photo)
Rubie : oh Cleo , your obviously not over her
Cleo : well your not over Macy
Rubie : well actually I am and I may have my eye on someone
Cleo : oh who ?
Rubie : Carrie
Cleo : wait Carrie ?
Rubie : yeah I don't know I've just kinda started having these feelings for her
Cleo : Oh right
Rubie : so how was your night with Winnie ?
Cleo : she just kept talking about you all night , she has it bad for you
Rubie : yeah I know
Cleo : don't worry hopefully she will go back to Ozzy soon
Rubie : yeah , but if your not over Jude then tell her how you feel
Cleo : what if it's too late ?
Rubie : it's never too late
Cleo : alright fine if I tell Jude how I feel you have to tell Carrie
Rubie : ok fine
(Finn goes to see Piper)
Finn : hey
Piper : don't I saw you kissing polski
Finn : pipes I'm sorry
Piper : sorry doesn't mean anything to me anymore , I can't deal with this right now , I'm so stressed , with regionals , with you and everything else , so please Finn just leave me alone
Finn : ok sure
Finn TH : I feel terrible for what I did , I hope I can make things right
(Later that night)
(B troupe are all getting ready for the sleep over)
Cade TH : I'm with Noah but I have feelings Xander too , I don't know what to do
(Scarlett and Macy are cuddling each other)
Macy : I can't wait for regionals with you
(Scarlett smiles)
(They kiss)
(Poppy and Freya are holding hands)
Poppy : I want us to be together
Freya : me too
(Poppy and Freya kiss)
(Cleo sees Jude at the other side of the room)
Rubie : well what are you waiting for ?
(Cleo rolls her eyes)
(Cleo goes over to Jude)
Cleo : hey
Jude : hey
Cleo : umm can we talk ?
Jude : sure
Cleo : Jude I don't know what's happened to us but I want to keep trying , I want to be with you Jude , I don't care how long it takes , Jude I love you and I always will , it's always been you
(Jude smiles)
Jude : Cleo regionals is tomorrow , maybe we should stay focussed on that and then see what happens , maybe I can take you out on a date ?
Cleo : yeah I'd like that
Jude : ok , friends ?
Cleo : friends
(Jude and Cleo hug)
Cleo TH : I will wait as long as it takes for Jude
(Rubie goes over to Carrie)
Rubie : hey I need to tell you something
Carrie : ok
Rubie : I've kinda been having these feelings
Carrie : really ?
Rubie : yeah and I umm I like you , I haven't been able to stop thinking about you , your beautiful , your funny , your smart and you deserve everything
(Carrie grabs Rubie and kisses her)
Rubie TH : I guess she feels the same
Rubie : does this mean what I think it means ?
Carrie : I wanna be with you
Rubie : I wanna be with you too
(Carrie and Rubie hug)
Carrie TH : I'm so happy me and Rubie are together
Rubie TH : I can't wait to start my new relationship with Carrie
(Cade goes over to Xander)
Cade : hey umm I need to talk to you about something
Xander : ok
Cade TH : Noah has gone back home , so I have my chance to tell Xander how I really feel
Cade : i can't stop thinking about you , and I really really like you
Xander TH : heading Cade say that he likes me finally , oh it feels amazing
Xander : I like you too
(Xander kisses Cade)
Xander TH : I wish I could just freeze this moment
(Piper starts to feel dizzy)
Piper TH : I don't feel too good
(Richelle goes to see Piper , and Piper falls on the floor but Richelle catches her)
Richelle : Piper ? , Piper !
Closing titles

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