Finns new love interest ?

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(Finn is sat in the next steep)
(Lily sees him looking sad)
Lily TH : finn looks a little down , maybe I should cheer him up
(Lily goes over to Finn)
Lily : hey
Finn : oh hey lily
Lily : are you ok , you look down ?
Finn : yeah it's just everyone seems to be happy in relationships and I don't know I guess I just feel lonely , I kinda wish that me and piper worked out
Lily : I get it , Kingston broke my heart and now he's with Kenzie
Finn : wait he's with Kenzie ?
Lily : yeah
Finn : wow I'm sorry
Lily : it's ok he wasn't the one for me anyway , I guess when you find the one , your feelings will come out of no where
(Phoebe walks in the next steep)
(Phoebe smiles at Finn)
(Finn just freezes)
Lily : Finn ? , Finn ?
Finn : yeah umm sorry
(Lily looks at Phoebe)
Lily TH : I think I've found Finns crush
Finn : anyways thanks for the chat but I better go , got choreographing to do
(Finn goes to find Jude)
Finn : Jude , Jude come here a sec
Jude : what's up ?
Finn : is Phoebe umm you know single ?
Jude : no she's with Carrie
Finn : oh right yeah of course
Jude : wait why do you ask ?
Finn : oh no reason , it doesn't matter
Jude : ok...
(Lily goes to Macy)
Lily : hey Mace
Macy : oh hey Lils what's up ?
Lily : has finn said anything about Phoebe recently ?
Macy : umm not that I know off why ?
Lily : oh no reason
Macy : Lily..
Lily : ok I think finn likes someone but you can't tell anyone
Macy : ok
(Finn sees Phoebe doing a solo)
Finn TH : wow she's amazing
(Macy walks past and sees Finn watching Phoebe)
Macy TH : I think lily is right , Finn does like Phoebe , I have to do something
Closing titles

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