Tensions rise

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Cleo TH : today is the last day before we leave for nationals and we need help choreographing the small group which is hiphop and I know the perfect person to help me
(Cleo goes over to Jude)
Cleo : hey Jude can you do me a favour ?
Jude : yes of course
Cleo : so I need you to choreograph the hip hop dance can you do it , I've got some other stuff to do
Jude : yeah sure
Cleo : thanks Jude
Cleo TH : I know Jude is going to make this routine perfect
(Jude starts teaching Macy , Scarlett , Poppy and Laura the routine)
(Cleo walks in)
Cleo TH : so I walk in to see how the dance is going and the dance is contemporary and not hip hop , what is going on ?
Cleo : umm Jude that's umm a great contemporary routine
Jude : oh yeah I just think with the music it fits better
Cleo : umm yeah but I asked for a hip hop routine
Jude : but we wanna win nationals , this choreo will fit better
Cleo : it needs to be hiphop Jude
Jude :
Macy TH : this is getting kinda tense
Macy : maybe you could mix both together
(Cleo shushes Macy)
Laura TH : when Cleo shushes Macy I'm kinda shocked , I feel bad for her because she gave a good idea
Cleo : Jude I trusted you with something and you didn't do it
Jude TH : I don't know what Cleo's problem is I'm just trying to make the routine better
Cleo : right well come guys let's go we're going from the top
Jude : yeah remember the spins guys
Cleo : no there's no spins
Cleo : 5,6,7,8
Jude : remember the kick Scarlett
Cleo : no don't do the kick
Jude TH : Cleo is starting to really get on my nerves
Jude : and then do a jump into a roll
Cleo : we're not doing that ok ! , this is a hip hop dance not a contemporary dance , cool !
Jude TH : I've had enough , I'm done listening to Cleo
(Jude walks out)
Cleo : let's go from the top
Macy : but don't you think someone should go after her
Cleo : just shut up Macy !
Macy : I'm done with this
(Macy walks out)
Laura TH : I feel really bad for Macy , nationals is tomorrow and we're not acting like a team
(Cleo and Jude both dance in different studios to up in the clouds)
Jude TH : right now I'm dancing to clear my head , I don't wanna think about Cleo , I don't wanna see her , I'm so done with her
Cleo TH : I trusted Jude with an important dance and  she didn't do it , I don't know what to do anymore
(Laura goes to see Macy)
Laura : hey you ok ?
Macy : yeah I guess I just wish people would take me seriously
Laura : they do
Macy : I couldn't even share an idea
Laura : well I thought your idea was amazing
(Macy smiles)
Macy : thanks
Laura TH : your an amazing dance captain Macy
Macy : thanks
(Laura and Macy hug)
Macy TH : Laura just gets me and she always makes me feel better
(Laura and leans in to kiss Macy)
(Bailey comes back)
Bailey : hey am I missing something ?
(Laura sees him and is shocked)
Laura TH : oh no this isn't good , I had no idea Bailey was coming back
Laura TH : I'm starting to really like Macy and I don't know what to do
Closing titles

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