Freya's crush

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Freya : hey finn can I have some help with some of the choreo ?
Finn : yeah sure
(Freya and finn go into studio B)
Finn : so you wanna bring your leg back and then jump
Freya : ok
(Freya and finn start dancing together)
(Poppy walks in)
Finn : yeah that was good
Freya : yeah
Finn : oh hey poppy do you need something ?
Poppy : yeah I need help with the choreo
Finn : ok yeah sure I'll come help you now , just go to studio A and I'll be there
Poppy : ok thanks
(Finn goes into studio A to help poppy)
Poppy : sorry it just takes me a while to learn choreo
Finn : it's ok don't worry you will get it
Poppy : thanks
(Piper is in her office)
Scarlett : hey piper
Piper : yeah ?
Scarlett : you got a second ?
Piper : yeah of course what's up ?
Scarlett : umm I just feel like I might be the alternate this year
Piper : oh Scarlett why would you think that ?
Scarlett : I'm not in any dances and Richelle is better than I am
Piper : Scarlett your just as good as Richelle
Scarlett : you really think that ?
Piper : yeah of course I do
Scarlett TH : hearing piper that I'm just as good as Richelle , that's all I've wanted to hear for so long
Scarlett : thank you
Piper : no problem and Scarlett don't worry about the alternate right now , just focus on getting all the routines clean ok ?
Scarlett : yeah I will thanks
(Scarlett leaves the office)
Carrie : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : hey guys
Phoebe : we've got drinks food tonight , what do you say we have a girl night ?
Scarlett : thanks guys but I need to rehearse
Carrie : but you will be rehearsing all day
Scarlett : yeah but I need to get all of the routines clean and I can't mess up at all
Phoebe : ok well if you change your mind
Scarlett : thanks
Carrie TH : it's great to rehearse but you don't want to over do it , it's not good for you , for anyone
(Carrie and Phoebe go to find Macy and Rubie)
(Macy and Rubie are hanging out with cleo and Jude and Marcus and Ethan)
Carrie : hey guys
Macy : hey
Carrie : so we were thinking of having a girls night tonight
Phoebe : what do you say ?
Macy : yeah sure sounds fun
Macy : Rube girls night tonight ?
Rubie : yeah sure
Carrie : great
Rubie : you should ask Scarlett and poppy
Carrie : oh yeah I asked Scarlett and she's not coming
Macy : oh how comes ?
Carrie : she said she needs to rehearse
Macy : but we have rehearsals for most of the day
Carrie : I know
Macy TH : I get it Scarlett is an amazing dancer and she wants to show that but she doesn't need to rehearse all day and night
Carrie : Maybe Poppy can talk to her
Macy : yeah good idea
(Carrie goes to find Poppy)
Carrie : hey poppy we're having a girls night tonight are you in ?
Poppy : yeah I'm there
Carrie : great but Scarlett's not coming
Poppy : what why ?
Carrie : she said she has to rehearse
Poppy : rehearse ? , but we have rehearsals all day , she doesn't need to do it at night
Carrie : exactly I think you should talk to her
Poppy : yeah your right , Don't worry I'll talk to her
(Poppy goes to find Scarlett)
Poppy : the choreo is looking good
Scarlett : thanks but it needs to be great
Poppy : right so you coming to that girls night tonight ?
Scarlett : nope I need to rehearse
Poppy : but we have rehearsals all day
Scarlett : yeah and I need to get every routine solid so if that means stay here all night , then that's what I'll do
Poppy : Right
Poppy TH : Scarlett is definitely over doing the choreo , which is bad , she needs sleep and she needs breaks , she shouldn't be dancing all the time
(Poppy leaves the room)
(Freya asks finn to hang out)
(Finn and Freya hang out together)
Finn TH : Freya's really fun
Freya TH : this day has been amazing because I'm with finn
Freya : ok do your fruitie moons song
Finn : seriously ?
Freya : yeah I wanna hear it
Finn : ok fine , Fruitie moons , Fruitie moons sing a little tune , Fruite moons , Fruitie moons , eat them in the month of June , hip hip horray your rockets spoon , through the Milky Way to the fruitie fruite moons hey , can I have some cereal now
(Freya laughs)
Freya : omg that was amazing
Finn : thanks
Freya TH : I hope me and finn can hang out more often
Closing titles

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