New soloist

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Riley : ok listen up guys , with laura not being able to do the solo I have decided to hold auditions for female solo , so if you want the solo then let me know and you will compete this afternoon and someone will teach you some choreo and if you pick it up then that will make your chances more to be the soloist
Scarlett : you should definitely audition
Presley : yeah I think I might
Scarlett : I might as well
Presley : oh ok good luck
Scarlett : thanks
Presley TH : Scarlett might think that she's getting this solo but she's not , I'm getting it
Cleo : Jude you should audition for the solo
Jude : I'm not sure
Cleo : your an amazing dancer
Jude : ok I will
Cleo : great
(Riley calls everyone back into the studio)
Riley : right so who wants the solo ?
(Scarlett , Presley , Phoebe , Carrie ,
Rubie and Jude all step forward)
Riley : wow ok we've got some good competition so your choreographer will be Richelle
(Richelle walks in)
Scarlett TH : my sister is judging wow
Richelle : ok guys so I'm gonna teach you some choreo and if you have any questions then let me know
(Richelle starts the choreo to dangerous)
Carrie TH : wow this choreo looks good
Phoebe TH : I'm a little nervous
Jude TH : I don't know how I'm going to get this choreo
Scarlett TH : wow Richelle is really setting the bar high
Richelle TH : I've made the choreo challenging because i want the dancers to be able to push themselves
Presley TH : I've always looked up to Richelle , she's amazing
Rubie TH : Richelle's choreo is amazing
(Everyone claps)
Richelle : ok any questions , any steps you want me to go over ?
Jude : yeah can you go over it with me again
Richelle : yeah of course
Presley : Richelle can I just say your hair looks amazing today
Richelle : aw thanks Presley
Scarlett TH : why is Presley trying to flirt with Richelle
(Richelle goes over to Jude , Jude starts to get nervous around her)
Richelle : ok so do you want me to go over the whole thing or ?
Jude : umm yeah please
Richelle : ok so start with your left arm , no the other arm
Jude : oh ok
Jude TH : suddenly I'm really nervous around her and I don't know why
Richelle : you ok ?
Jude : yeah I'm good
(Jude keeps staring at Richelle)
Richelle : umm ok let's get back to the choreo
Jude TH : I hope I can get this in time
(1 hour later)
Riley : ok we're gonna split you into twos , you will battle each other then we will narrow it down
Scarlett : good luck
Presley : I don't need luck , but good luck though your gonna need it
(Presley walks over to the other side)
Scarlett TH : wow someone has an attitude problem
(Piper walks in)
Piper TH : I came in because I know Scarlett is about to perform and I kinda like watching her dance
Piper : hey good luck
Scarlett : thanks
Riley : ok Carrie and phoebe let's go
(Carrie and phoebe start doing the choreo)
Phoebe TH : I'm trying so hard to get this
Carrie TH : I pushing really hard to nail this
Richelle TH : both of them are doing amazing
Riley : ok great thanks guys ok next Scarlett and Presley
(Scarlett and Presley do the choreo)
(Scarlett starts to get distracted by Presley)
Scarlett TH : I'm so distracted with what Presley said to me , it's making me miss steps
Richelle TH : this is not like Scarlett to mess up , maybe the pressure is getting to her
Piper TH : I hope Scarlett can pull herself together
Presley TH : I knew I would get in her head , rule number one never let anyone get to you in an audition
Riley : umm ok and last two Rubie and Jude
Jude TH : I hope I can do it
(Jude starts to mess up the choreo)
Cleo TH : the pressure is definitely getting to her
Riley : ok we will let you know
(Piper goes over to Scarlett)
Piper : hey don't worry
Scarlett : I completely messed up
Scarlett TH : there's no chance I'm getting this solo now
Piper : you might have messed up but your still an amazing dancer and Richelle and Riley know that , try not to worry
Scarlett : thanks
(Riley and Richelle are discovering the auditions)
Richelle : I think Scarlett should get through
Riley : Richelle just because she's your sister I can't do that
Richelle : she never gets distracted when she's dancing and I know she tries really really hard , please just give her another chance
Riley : ok fine , so we're agreed on these three dancers ?
Richelle : yeah
Riley : ok
(Riley and Richelle go back into the studio)
Riley : ok so you all did a great job but we can only choose three to go through , so we have chosen Carrie
Carrie TH : I'm so happy I'm in the next round
Riley : Rubie
Rubie TH : I'm so happy I got in
Riley : and finally Scarlett
(Scarlett looks shocked and Presley looks shocked)
Presley : but she literally just messed up the dance
Riley : well we think that she can redeem herself in the next round
Presley : yeah right you probably just picked her because she's Richelle's sister
(Presley walks out)
Scarlett TH : I'm happy that I got through but maybe Presley was right maybe Richelle only picked me because I'm her sister
(Scarlett walks out , Richelle runs after her)
Richelle : what are you doing , you have to do your solo soon
Scarlett : I'm not doing it
Richelle : why not ?
Scarlett : Rich you knew that I messed up the dance in that round and Presley didn't so why did you choose me , it's obviously not fair
Richelle : because I believe in you and I know you can do this
Scarlett : no you only picked me because I'm your sister
Richelle : what no that is not true
Scarlett : well either way I don't deserve to be in that group and I don't deserve the solo , so I forfeit
Richelle : Scarlett !
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن