Perfect anniversary

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Cleo TH : today is mine and Jude's anniversary and it's gonna be amazing
(Cleo runs to Jude)
Cleo : happy anniversary
(Cleo hugs Jude)
Jude : aw happy anniversary
Jude TH : I kinda forgot my anniversary so umm yeah I kinda need to think of something fast
Jude : i love you
Cleo : I love you too and I got you this
Jude : aw Cleo
(Cleo gets Jude a necklace)
Jude : I love it
Cleo : you look beautiful
Jude : aw thanks
Jude TH : I need to find a present for Cleo
Jude : and I've got you something very big
Cleo : oh what ?
Jude : umm I'll go and get it
Jude TH : I've got nothing
(Jude runs to Rubie)
Jude : hey Rubie I need an anniversary gift for Cleo any ideas ?
Rubie : yeah
(Rubie give Jude money to get Cleo a top)
Jude : thanks Rubie
(Jude gives Cleo her gift)
Cleo : aww I love it
Jude : I'm glad you like it
Cleo : your the best
(Noah sees Richelle stretching)
Noah : oh hey
Richelle : hey
Noah : so how's the physio going ?
Richelle : they said to take it easy but I should be able to dance again
Noah : that's great
Richelle : so you happy to be back competing ?
Noah : oh yeah for sure I missed it , so have you given it any thought about coming back ?
Richelle : I'm still thinking about it
Noah : oh ok cool , well whatever you decide we will always be friends
(Richelle smiles)
Richelle : thanks
Noah : no problem
Noah TH : me and Richelle have known each other since J troupe and we've both grown so much I always saw her as just a friend but now I don't know somethings changed inside of me
(Noah looks back at Richelle as he walks out)
Noah TH : maybe I do have feelings for her
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