The perfect pairing ?

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Piper : ok guys so James my big brother is coming in to host a work shop in a few days so you guys are going to do a comparability test , your gonna spend the day with that person and then perform a duet and then me and finn will decide which two should go to the work shop , Right finn ? , Finn ?
(Finn Looks over at Phoebe)
Finn TH : I thought I was gay but now I think I'm into girls as well so maybe I'm Bi
Finn : oh right yeah sorry
Piper : ok guys so begin
(Everyone does the compatibility test)
Piper TH : finn was also feeling lonely so I decided to give him a compatible test as well
Finn : hey pipes you know that compatible test , I've found a match
Piper : ooo who is it
(Finn opens his phone to see)
Finn : wait what ?
Piper : who is it ?
Finn : it's lily
Piper : aw you and Lily might be good together
Finn : so what should I do then
Piper : go on a date with her , just try and see it might be fun
Finn TH : maybe pipers right and it would be a good way to distract myself from Phoebe
Finn : ok I will
Piper : right guys the results are in the first pair we have is , Cleo and Jude
Cleo TH : obviously Me and Jude are the most compatible
Jude TH : of course we are
Piper : then we have Winnie and Rubie
(Winnie looks at Rubie)
Winnie TH : this is a dream come true , we're gonna have a great time
Rubie TH : wow I was not expecting that
Piper : then we have Scarlett and Macy
(Scarlett and Macy look at each other)
Scarlett TH : wow this is a shock
Macy TH : I did not expect that
Piper : then we have Poppy and Carrie
Poppy TH : wow
Carrie TH : poppy is a great dancer so who knows this might be good
Piper : then we have Grace and Freya
Grace TH : I can't wait to work with Freya
Freya TH : I'm happy it could be fun
Piper : and then we have Marcus and Ethan
Marcus TH : of course we're compatible
Ethan TH : what can I say
Piper : so that just leaves Izzy and Phoebe
Izzy TH : I can't wait to work with Phoebe
Phoebe TH : this is going to be a lot of fun
Piper : so hang out and spend time together and I will see your duets later today
(Finn meets Lily in the next steep)
Lily : hey
Finn : hey , you look nice
Lily : thanks you look good
Finn : so isn't it weird how we got matched up
Lily : yeah very weird
Finn TH : I've never thought about dating lily but who knows
Lily : so you still crushing on Phoebe ?
Finn : I don't know what your talking
Lily : come on finn it's obvious
Finn : look can we not talk about her right now
Lily : yeah sorry , so do you want a juice ?
Finn : oh don't worry I'll get it
Lily : I can get it
Finn : no don't worry I'll got it
(Finn goes to get the juices)
Lily TH : this is kinda awkward
Finn TH : I hope I can pull myself together
(In studio 1)
Carrie : I have a question for you
Poppy : ok hit me with it ?
Carrie : is it hard having dyslexia , like how do you cope with it ?
(Poppy freezes)
Poppy TH : I don't like talking about my weaknesses , especially not my dyslexia , I have to get out of here
Poppy : look this is has been great but I gotta go
(Poppy walks out)
Carrie TH : everything was going great , I don't know what happened , I hope I haven't upset her
(Scarlett and Macy are talking)
Scarlett : so do you think we are compatible ?
Macy : well apparently we are
Scarlett : so should we start this duet then ?
Macy : yeah let's do it
(Back in the next steep)
Finn : so
Lily : so
Finn : so is your mum is crazy then
Lily : my mum isn't crazy
Finn : she nearly destroyed the next step
Lily : she's changed
Finn : no body changes
Lily : I changed
Finn : yeah you did , I'm sorry
Lily : it's ok I just don't like people saying things about my mum
Finn : I know I'm sorry I wasn't thinking
Lily : it's ok
Finn : your kind and your caring and I knew you had a heart deep down
Lily TH : Finns actually really sweet
(Finn holds Lily's hand)
(Lily and Finn both smile at Each other)
(In studio A)
(Winnie and Rubie are working on their duet)
Winnie : your hair looks so nice , it's just like Ozzy's
Rubie : what ?
Winnie : so I was thinking the duet could be a tap dance routine
Rubie : umm sure why not
Rubie TH : Don't tell Winnie but I don't know anything about tap dancing
Winnie : so we need some tap dancing shoes
(Winnie pulls out of no where tap dancing shoes)
Rubie : wait how did you do that ?
Winnie : do what ?
Rubie : the shoes ?
Winnie : oh Rubie your so funny
Rubie TH : what is going on right now , I don't know how me and Winnie got paired together
(Back in the next steep)
Finn : so I heard you work in the juice bar
Lily : yeah I do
Finn : I bet you smashed your interview
Lily : well what can I say , I'm gifted at everything
Finn : yeah you definitely are
Lily TH : this date is going so well , I'm so happy piper matched me up with Finn
Finn TH : this is going great
(In studio 1)
Macy : so do you have any hidden talents ?
Scarlett : yeah I do
Macy : oh ok
(Scarlett starts singing , Macy is blown away)
Macy TH : wow Scarlett is amazing , her voice is amazing , she's so talented
Macy : omg Scarlett that was amazing , your amazing how long have you been singing for ?
Scarlett TH : I've always loved to sing but dance has been my main priority, so I haven't really had time for it
Macy TH : if dance doesn't work out for Scarlett , she should definitely give singing a shot
(Jude sees Poppy)
Jude : hey are you ok ?
Poppy : the day was going great until Carrie brought up something
Jude : what's up ?
Poppy : you want to Listen to me ?
Jude : yeah I'm always here to Listen
Poppy : I have dyslexia
Jude : aw poppy it's ok
Poppy : every time someone brings it up , it makes me feel weak
Jude : your not strong , I have dyslexia too and I get through it because of the people I have supporting me , Poppy everyone has your back , you should let them in , let them help you , their not judging you , their trying to support you
Poppy TH : Jude's right , I never thought of it like that
Poppy : thanks
Jude : no problem
(Jude holds Poppy's hand)
Jude : I'm always here for you
Poppy : thank you
Jude : come here
(Poppy hugs Jude)
(Back in the next steep)
Finn : so maybe we could do this again some time ?
Lily : yeah I'd like that
Finn : cool
Lily : cool
(Carrie goes to find Poppy)
Carrie : hey
Poppy : hey
Carrie : I'm sorry if I upset you earlier I didn't mean to
Poppy : no you didn't , I was the one who was being stupid , It's just I don't like talking about my dyslexia because it makes me feel weak , but I know that I'm not now , and I'm ready to ask for help
Carrie : good so if you need any help , just let me know yeah ?
Poppy : yeah I will
Carrie : now come on let's do this duet
Poppy : yeah
Poppy TH : I think I'm ready to ask for help
Piper : ok guys let's see your duets
(Rubie and Winnie go first)
Macy TH : wow Rubie is tap dancing , she's actually doing a good job
Rubie TH : this was actually a lot of fun
Winnie TH : I think Rubie is finally starting to like me , this duet might be over but #Wubie is just getting started
(Scarlett and Macy start their duet)
Macy TH : today has been really fun , I'm so glad I got paired with Scarlett
Scarlett TH : I had a lot of fun with Macy , she's actually not that bad
(Poppy and Carrie start their duet)
Carrie TH : I'm really proud that Poppy can now ask for help when she needs it , she's so strong
Poppy TH : today has been great , I've grown in my confidence
(Izzy and Freya start their duet)
Grace  TH : today has been a lot of fun
Freya TH : this has been great
(Marcus and Ethan start their duet)
Marcus TH : this duet is amazing
Ethan TH : I love this duet
(Finn walks in as Phoebe is about to start her duet)
(Phoebe and Izzy do their duet)
Phoebe TH : This dance is so fun
Izzy TH : I've loved hanging out with Phoebe
Finn TH : Wow phoebes doing amazing
(Cleo and Jude do their duet)
Cleo TH : Jude and me are going amazing
Jude TH : I love dancing with Cleo
Piper : ok wow guys those were all amazing
Piper : ok I'll make my decision and let you know
(Piper and finn go into the office)
Piper : so how was your date ?
Finn : really good , we got on really well
Piper : aw I'm glad
(Finn looks at Phoebe , Piper notices)
Piper : Finn is everything ok ?
Piper TH : I notice that Finn is staring at Phoebe
Finn : yeah everything is fine
Finn TH : I don't want anyone to find out that I like Phoebe because I don't know how I'm feeling right now and it will distract the team
Finn : let's just decide
Piper : yeah ok
Piper : ok guys we have our decision I have chosen Macy and Scarlett
(Macy and Scarlett hug)
Piper : congrats guys
Macy TH : I'm so happy we won
Scarlett TH : this day has been amazing but being with Macy has made it even better , I'm finally starting to feel like I'm not a young Richelle anymore
(B troupe all clap)
(Finn smiles at Phoebe , Phoebe smiles back)
(Freya sees)
Freya TH : what's going on there ?
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora