Rekindling ?

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(Laura and Scarlett are practicing their duet when Laura starts to go dizzy)
Scarlett : Laura you ok ?
(Laura collapses on the floor)
Scarlett : Laura , Laura !
Scarlett : Laura please wake up , help !
(Rubie hears Scarlett and she runs to her)
Rubie : Scarlett what's happened ?
Scarlett : we were practicing our duet and then she just collapsed , I don't know what to do
Rubie : right I've done first aid , we need to roll her onto her side
(Rubie and Scarlett roll Laura onto her side)
Rubie : Laura it's me , can you hear me ?
Scarlett : what do I do Rubie ?
Rubie : call an ambulance
Scarlett : ok
(Scarlett calls an ambulance)
Scarlett : there on their way
Rubie : where's Piper ?
Scarlett : umm I'll text her now
(Riley walks in and sees)
Riley : guys what happened ?
Scarlett : she just collapsed
Riley : Right have you called an ambulance ?
Scarlett : yeah it won't be long
Riley : right I need to go find James , You two stay with her
(James is chilling with the band , Riley runs in)
Riley : James , James , there's a problem
James : what ?
(Riley looks at James)
James : is it Piper ? , is she hurt ?
Riley : no no it's not piper its
James : is it Laura ?
Riley : yeah
James : guys I gotta go , my cousin needs me !
(The ambulance arrives and they put Laura on a stretcher)
(Piper and James both see)
James : what is going on ?! , what happened ?
Scarlett : she collapsed as we were doing our duet
James : is she ok ?!
Scarlett : I don't know
Riley : James why don't you go in the ambulance with her
James : yeah I will
Piper : wait what about me ?
James : Pipes I'll update you I promise
Scarlett : James please let me know if she's ok
James : yeah I will
(James goes in the ambulance with Laura)
Scarlett TH : what if this is all my fault
(Scarlett and Rubie go into studio A)
Scarlett : why do I feel so guilty
Rubie : Scarlett it wasn't your fault
Scarlett : I couldn't of done it without you
Rubie : Scarlett don't
Scarlett : do you ever wish you could go back in time and change what happened between us ?
Rubie : I don't know maybe sometimes
Scarlett : yeah
Scarlett : well umm I better go
Rubie : yeah see ya
Closing titles

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