All i wanna do is get over you

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Scarlett TH : I just wanna get over Macy but I don't know if I can
(Finn and Piper are spending the day together)
Finn : i missed you pipes
Piper : I missed you too
Piper TH : it feels great to have Finn back , I love him so much
Finn TH : being with piper is like I'm back at home again
(Piper tells Finn about the rivalry between James and her)
Finn : Pipes he's your brother
Piper : he kicked me out
Finn : Maybe he just needed some space
Piper : I don't know
Finn : well you can stay with me and Macy if you want ?
Piper : yeah I'd like that
(Carrie sees Piper and Finn together and she walks out)
Carrie TH : I can't believe Piper is back at finn , maybe the moment meant more to me than it did to her
(Carrie bumps into Laura)
Carrie : hey
Laura : hey
Carrie : do you wanna go out tonight ?
Laura : sorry I've got to meet Bailey
Carrie : oh right yeah that's fine
Laura : I'll see you later
Carrie : yeah see ya
Carrie TH : I just feel so alone
Richelle : hey how you doing ?
Scarlett : better
Richelle : well at least you've got dressed today
(Scarlett rolls her eyes)
Scarlett : how's Poppy ?
Richelle : yeah she's ok
Scarlett : cool
Richelle : yeah actually umm I kinda need some advice
Scarlett : oh ok shoot
Richelle : so Noah he told me that he loves me
Scarlett : wait what Noah ?
Richelle : yeah and I don't know if I feel the same , I mean I'm with Phoebe , she's so sweet and kind
Scarlett : but do you love her ?
(Richelle looks down)
Richelle : I don't know
Scarlett : listen to your heart
Richelle : ok
Scarlett TH : I can't stop thinking about Macy and all I wanna do is get over her
Scarlett : I can't stop thinking about Macy
Richelle : oh , look maybe you need to move on
Scarlett : but it's not that easy
Richelle : I know it's not but why don't you go on a date with Carrie ?
Scarlett : Carrie ?
Richelle : yeah she's being looking quite lonely maybe you could cheer her up
Scarlett : sure
Richelle : oh I've got to go nick wants to see me
Scarlett : ok bye sis
Richelle : later sis
(Richelle goes into nicks office with Noah)
Noah TH : I got a text from nick saying that he wanted to talk to me and Richelle I don't know really what it's about
Richelle : hey Nick you wanted to see me , oh hey Noah
Noah : hi
Richelle TH : well this is definitely not awkward
Nick : yes so there is a upcoming duet competition and I thought maybe you two could represent the next step
Richelle : us ?
Noah : yeah I don't know about that
Nick : well you two seem to have some sort of Chemistry
Richelle : why don't you ask Freya and Poppy they have a lot my chemistry than me and Noah
Noah : yeah or Jude and Cleo
Richelle : yes get Cleo and Jude
Nick : guys I've chosen you and that is final , you two are doing this whether you like it or not
Richelle TH : spending the day with Noah is definitely gonna be awkward
Noah TH : I don't know how this is going to go
(Scarlett goes to meet Carrie)
Scarlett : hey
Carrie : hey I got your text
Scarlett : yeah I just thought me and you could hang out
Carrie : yeah I'd like that
(Carrie and Scarlett start talking and laughing together)
Carrie : the studio isn't the same without you
(Scarlett smiles)
Scarlett TH : when Carrie says the studio isn't the same without me , it's just so sweet
(Laura sees and she walks out again)
(Laura goes to meet Bailey)
Laura : hey
Bailey : hey
Laura : so what we doing ?
Bailey : actually I gotta talk to you
Laura : ok
Bailey : so I play rugby out of the dance and I've been offered an exchange program in Spain and I've decided to go
Laura : what but what about nationals ?
Bailey : I'll be back in time
Laura : wait when are you going ?
Bailey : tomorrow morning
Laura : wow um I don't know what to say
Bailey : it's only for two weeks I'll be back before you know it
Laura : yeah , I'll miss you
Bailey : I'll miss you too
(Laura and Bailey hug)
(In studio B)
(Noah and Richelle are working on their duet)
Richelle TH : the duet is actually going pretty good
Noah TH : the duet is looking really good
Noah : that looks good
Richelle : yeah it does
Noah TH : we just connect and we just dance so well together , it's nice to dance with Richelle
(In the juice bar)
(Macy sees Scarlett and Carrie together)
Macy TH : seeing Scarlett with Carrie , I guess she has moved on and maybe I need to as well
(Scarlett sees Macy)
Scarlett TH : I'm having a good time with Carrie but why do I still feel so weird
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora