Stay away from Riley

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Noah : wait you like her ?
Piper : yeah , I think
Noah : oh
Piper : that's why I didn't wanna come in the first place
Noah : because you knew you would get jealous
Piper : yeah
Noah : well their married now so what are you going to do
Piper : I don't know
Noah : well if you have feelings for Riley then maybe you should tell someone
(James hears)
James : what ?
(Piper looks down)
Noah : James it's not what you think
James : Noah just go for a sec
Noah : ok
(Noah leaves)
Piper : James it's not what you think
James : no I know exactly what you said
Piper TH : this is going to be bad
Piper : I didn't mean it
James : stop lying to me pipes
Piper : look you should get back to Riley
James : no stop trying to change the subject , you tell me what is going on right now ?
Piper TH : telling James this could ruin everything
(Piper and James go into the locker room)
Piper : I woke up this morning and I thought oh it's James and Riley's wedding great but not great as well , and then when I was getting into the dress and Riley hugged me , I got butterflies inside , i know Riley has always been like a sister but I see her as more as that
James : Piper she's my wife now
Piper : I don't care , I can't help how I feel
James : well your going to have to get over her
Piper : I can't !
James : why not !
Piper : because I love her !
James TH : I can't believe this is happening right now
James : pipes don't do this
Piper : you can never let me be happy
James : pipes Riley and me have always been together
Piper : yeah because why would she look at anyone else , when she's got you , her little Prince Charming
James : pipes stop acting like a baby , this ends now !
(Piper walks out)
James TH : I can't believe piper is trying to ruin this for me , she's meant to be my little sister
Riley : hey is everything ok ?
James : yeah everything is fine
(Riley and James dance together)
(Piper goes into the house and sees a congratulations party planned so she destroys everything and wrecks the house)
Piper : ugh so so stupid !
Piper TH : it's always been about James , it's never been about me , James has always got the attention and I get nothing , I'm sick of it !
Riley : she looked upset
James : she's fine
Riley : maybe we should go home
James : sure
(Piper leaves the house)
(James and Riley walk in)
Riley : what happened in here ?
James : I don't know I locked the place up
Riley : has your mom been in here ?
James : no I don't think so
Riley : I'll go check the rooms
James TH : I have no idea what has happened
(James sees the balloon that his mom bought popped on the floor)
James TH : when I see the balloon I know exactly who has done this and I'm not gonna let it stand
(Riley has a nap on the couch)
(James goes to find Piper)
James : I know what you did , are you really that childish , to destroy a balloon !
Piper : it's always been about you james , Mom , Auntie Cathy and even Riley , they've never cared about me !
James : your just being ridiculous now !
Piper : am I , I've always been stuck in your shadow , everyone thinks your amazing and your not !
James : so this is about jealously !
Piper : no but it's not always about you !
James TH : I've had enough of this
James : well you know what , you can grab your stuff and get out of my house !
Piper : what ?
James : your not even my little sister anymore
Piper : James come on you don't mean that
James : no I do , stay away from me and most importantly
(James walks towards Piper)
James : stay away from Riley
Piper : James you can't kick me out of my own house
James : well you should of thought about that
(James is about to walk away)
James : good bye piper
(James walks off)
(Piper starts crying)
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