Richelles fall

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Scarlett : Rich I don't know where Macy is
Richelle : well I don't either
Scarlett : please just help me look for her
Richelle : Look Scarlett I don't have time , i need to get to the stage Marcus is performing
Scarlett : sisters forever you said , well that's not true anymore
(Scarlettw walks off)
Richelle : Scarl
(Richelle goes to the stage)
Richelle : look just do your best ok
Marcus : yeah I will
(Marcus goes on stage)
(Marcus does his solo)
(Scarlett goes to find Macy)
Scarlett : Mace ? . Macy ?
(Macy runs out the room)
Macy : hey
Scarlett : omg where were you I've been worried sick
Macy : I'm fine I just needed to clear my head
Scarlett : oh right wait where's Phoebe ?
Macy : umm
Scarlett : she's in there isn't she
Macy : no Scarlett wait
(Scarlett opens the door and sees Phoebe)
Scarlett : I can't believe you would lie to me
Macy : I didn't lie to you
Scarlett : yes you did , you said you were ignoring Phoebe
Macy : I had to talk to her
Scarlett : just talk ?
(Macy and Phoebe both look at each other)
Scarlett : this was your plan wasn't it , get Macy alone so you could steal her from me !
Phoebe : Scarlett you don't get it !
Scarlett : no you don't
(Back near the stage)
(Marcus goes off stage)
Chuck Anderson : the team moving forward is the next step
(B troupe all hug)
Poppy : you seen Scarlett ?
Richelle : no she's mad at me
(Noah arrives)
(Scarlett and Phoebe start fighting)
Macy : Scarlett stop !
Noah : hey guys stop stop !
(Richelle runs over to try and stop it)
Richelle : Scarlett stop get off her !
(Noah grabs Phoebe and Accidentally pushes Richelle and she falls down the stairs)
Scarlett : sis !
(Scarlett runs over to Richelle)
Scarlett : sis , sis please wake up
Noah : I'll get help
(Noah calls for an ambulance)
(B troupe all rush over)
(Poppy tries to hug Scarlett , But Scarlett backs away)
(Poppy looks down and watches Scarlett walk off)
(Richelle gets taken to hospital)
(Macy goes to Scarlett)
Macy : I'm sorry for what happened
Scarlett : I don't even care anymore , we're over
(Scarlett walks off and slams the door)
(Macy starts crying)
Freya : oh Laura these are for you , someone sent them
Laura : oh thanks
Laura TH : someone sent me flowers and a teddy bear , who ever it was , their so sweet
(Scarlett is sat on her own)
(Laura sees her)
Laura : hey
Scarlett : hey
Laura : rough day ?
Scarlett : yeah
Laura : I'm sorry for what happened
Scarlett : thanks
Laura : I'm sure Richelle will be ok , she's strong and your strong too , so you will get through this
(Laura holds onto Scarletts hand)
Laura : I'm here for you , you can tell me anything and I'll be there to listen ok ?
Scarlett : yeah
Laura : I'll see you later
Scarlett : yeah see ya
(Scarlett smiles as Laura walks off)
Scarlett TH : it's nice to know that some people do have my back
(Scarlett gets news from the hospital)
Scarlett TH : Richelle's injury is so much worse , she has to have a hip replacement and she has damaged her rib , she needs surgery right away or it could get worse , I can't believe this is happening to her
Closing titles

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