Room service

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(Late last night)
Jude : finn please can I have some help with the choreo ?
Finn ; yeah sure let's go into studio 1
(Finn and Jude work on the choreo)
(Finn and Jude both fall asleep on the bean bags)
Finn : that's great , wow I'm exhausted , just have a little rest
(The next morning
(6 am)
(B troupe all leave for the airport)
Piper TH : today is the day we are going to the airport for internationals
(At the airport)
Piper : right everybody , you've got your passports , you've got your cases , no body has forgotten anything
(Cleo looks around)
Cleo TH : where's Jude ?
Cleo : hey Winnie have you seen Jude anywhere ?
Winnie : no sorry
Cleo : hey Rube have you seen Jude ?
Rubie : no sorry sis
(Cleo calls Jude)
(Jude's Phone rings but there's no answer)
Cleo TH : Where is Jude ?!
(Cleo leaves a message)
Cleo : hey Jude it's me , where are you ? , we're at the airport , and the plane is leaving soon , I'm really worried
Phoebe : wait guys , where's finn ?
(Piper looks around)
Piper TH : no no no , please , please tell me he didn't do it again
(Piper calls Finn)
(Finns phone rings but there's no answer)
(Piper leaves a message)
Piper : Finn it's me , where are you , the plane is boarding soon !
(One hour later)
Cleo : Piper Jude's not here
Piper : neither is finn
Macy : wait I remember Jude said something to finn about rehearsing the choreo
Cleo : and your telling me this now !
Scarlett : Piper we have to go , the plane is boarding
Piper : ok
Cleo : wait no we can't go , we can't leave Jude
Piper : Cleo we don't have a choice , I'm sure Jude will be fine
Rubie : yeah she will be ok sis I promise
Cleo : fine
(B troupe all get on the plane)
Lily TH : piper asked me and Amy to watch the studio for her
(Lily sees Finn and Jude asleep)
Lily : Finn , Finn !
(Finn wakes up)
Finn : oh what time is it ?
Lily : it's half past eight
Finn : wait what , but the flight
Lily : yes finn you did it again
Finn : oh that's bad
Lily : yeah finn it is
Lily TH : I can't believe Finn fell asleep again
(Amy wakes Jude up)
Jude : what time is it ?
Amy : eight thirty
Jude : what but the plane is leaving at that time
Amy : I know
Jude TH : I can't believe I fell asleep , I must of got so tired rehearsing that I completely forgot about my flight , Cleo must hate me
(Jude runs into to get Finn)
Jude : Finn we need to go now !
Finn : ok ok , have you got your suitcase ?
Jude : yeah it's in the locker room
(Jude runs and gets her suitcase , Finn grabs his suitcase)
(Finn calls Kingston)
Finn : hey bro I need a lift to the airport
Kingston : no problem bro
(Kingston takes Finn and Jude to the airport)
Jude : we're gonna have to get another flight !
Finn : ok yeah I've got money don't worry we will get there
Jude : ok
(Back on the plane)
Piper TH : I am so worried about Finn and Jude , I can't believe Finn has done it again after everything that happened at dance mainia
Cleo : do you think she will be ok ?
Rubie : yeah of course she will , she will get here don't worry
Cleo TH : I don't know what I would do without Jude
(Scarlett falls asleep on Rubies shoulder)
(Finn and Jude arrive at the airport)
(B troupe arrive in Mexico and get to the hotel)
Scarlett TH : wow I can't believe we're actually here
Macy TH : this is so nice
Rubie TH : this is going to be amazing

Phoebe TH : I am so happy I'm here
Phoebe : this is amazing I can't wait to be here with you
(Phoebe kisses Carrie)
(Rubie and Scarlett kiss)
Macy TH : I'm happy for Rubie she's with Scarlett and I'm with Poppy , Everything is great , we are all still friends
Piper : ok guys go check into your rooms , I will try and get hold of Finn agin
(Finn and Jude are waiting for their flight)
Finn : oh it's Piper
Finn TH : this is not gonna be a good conversation
Finn : hey pipes
Piper : don't you dare , hey pipes me , what are an earth were you thinking ?!
Finn : I may of slept in again
Piper : well I think I guessed that finn ! , Is Jude ok , Cleo is worrying like mad
Finn : yeah Jude is fine , we are waiting for our flight , we will get there I promise
Piper : good and finn believe me when you get here , me and you need a big chat !
Finn : ok see ya
Piper : bye
Piper TH : now that I know they are getting on a flight , it makes me feel a little less stressed
Carrie TH : today is our day off , so me , Phoebe and the girls are all going out sight seeing
(Jude and Finn arrive)
Piper : omg thank god
Finn : we made it
(Piper hugs Finn)
(Cleo runs to Jude)
Cleo : are you ok ?
Jude : yeah I'm fine
Piper : Finn what did I say , really finn , after dance mainia !
Finn : yeah I'm sorry
Piper : well at least your here now
(Back at the next step)
(Kingston and Ozzy are messing around in the office)
Ozzy : why are there so many papers
Kingston : I don't know
Ozzy TH : I don't know how piper does it
Ozzy : I Mean I just don't know how she does it , I mean yeah you would expect Richelle but not piper
Kingston : oh you back to crushing on Richelle again ?
Ozzy : No.. Maybe
Kingston : never gonna happen bro
Ozzy : you never know richzozzy could still be a thing
Kingston : yeah right
(Ozzy knocks a note at the floor)
Ozzy : oh what's this ?
Kingston : I don't know , it looks like a note from James
Ozzy : solo career opportunity for Macy ?
Kingston : no way you don't think she's gonna leave do you ?
Ozzy : I don't know , Richelle did
(Kingston rolls his eyes)
Lily : seriously ! , Can you two not do anything without making a mess
Lily : what's this ?
Ozzy : oh i think Macy got offered a solo career
Lily : wait what ? , what if she leaves the team
Kingston : I don't know
(Lily feels the baby kicking)
Kingston : you ok ?
Lily : yeah it's just the baby kicking
(Kingston smiles)
(Back in Mexico)
Piper : right guys tomorrow is male soloist , Cade are you ready ?
Cade : oh yeah I'm ready
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Where stories live. Discover now