Xanders secret crush

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Piper : wait so tell me what actually happened
(Cade tells Piper the story)
Piper : omg when did this happen ?
Cade : well he told me the night before the male soloist round
Piper : and you didn't tell anyone
Cade : I didn't know how to , I was confused , I was hurt
Piper : I get it , Look i will have a word with James so we can find out the truth , I mean I didn't even think he was into..
Cade : I know I wouldn't of believed it either
Piper : wow well it's gonna be ok
(Piper holds Cade's hand and finn sees and gets the wrong idea)
Xander TH : after internationals , Presley broke up with me because a better option came for her , am I not good enough for anyone ?!
(Cade sees Xander)
Cade : hey you alright bro ?
Xander : no I had my heart broken by a girl
Cade : oh I know how that feels
Xander : Presley broke up with me because a better boy asked her out , I mean why am I not good Enough
Cade : you are good enough , your an amazing dancer and your not bad looking
Xander : well your definitely not bad looking , sorry was it a girl who hurt you too ?
Cade : nope it was a boy
Xander : oh your gay ?
Cade : yeah well bi I think
Xander : oh do you like a girl as well ?
Cade : yeah Macy
Xander : oh right I kinda thought you two were dating
Cade : no we're just friends but I wish I had a chance with her
Xander : do you still like her ?
Cade : yeah , I miss her so much
Xander : wow I wish girls would like me
Cade : I can get you a girl bro
Xander : really ?
Cade : yeah so have you got your eye on anyone ?
Xander : maybe
Cade : oh ok who ?
Xander : Jude
Cade : Jude bro that's not a good idea
Xander : why ?
Cade : one she's my sister and two she's not into guys
Xander : ugh , wait she's your sister ?
Cade : yeah but I don't really bring it up
Xander : oh right , Freya's kinda cool
Cade : Freya likes girls
Xander : Phoebe ?
Cade : Yeah we could try Phoebe
Xander : yeah ok
Cade : well if your going on a date you can go dressed like that
Xander : wait I'm going on a date ?
Cade : yeah , so go and get changed
Xander : umm ok
(Xander goes to get changed)
(In the next steep)
(Piper goes to see Finn)
Piper : hey sorry I had something to deal with
Finn : it's cool
Finn TH : I still can't believe I saw piper holding hands with Cade , do they like each other now
Piper : so do you wanna go see a movie tonight ?
Finn : actually I think I'm busy tonight
(Finn walks off)
Piper TH : have I upset finn , he seems kinda down
(Xander gets back from his date with Phoebe)
Cade : hey how did it go ?
Xander : yeah she's nice
Xander TH : Phoebe is such a nice girl but for some reason , I can't get Cade out of my head , it's probably nothing
(Cade starts talking and Xander starts day dreaming)
Cade : you ok bro ?
Xander : yeah I'm good
Cade : I'll tell you what why don't we watch some Dance vids
Xander : ok sure
(Cade and Xander both start watching videos together)
Piper : hey finn have I upset you ?
Finn : no it's just I saw you holding hands with cade
Piper : oh Finn I was just helping him out , he looked upset
Finn : so you don't like him ?
Piper : no of course not I love you
Finn : I love you too
Back in the locker room
(Xander and Cade fall asleep on each other's shoulders)
Rubie : oi ! , Love birds wake up !
Xander : what , we're not love birds
Cade : no
Xander TH : me and Cade aren't love birds , Wait do I like cade ?
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora