New head choreographer

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Piper TH : I need a head choreographer so I asked Finn to do it
Finn   TH : I was so happy when piper asked me to be the head choreographer , I'm gonna make these routines amazing , hip hop is definitely my strong suit
Piper : guys I have an announcement , So please welcome our new head choreographer Finn
(Finn walks in)
(Freya smiles)
Freya TH : finn is amazing
Finn : yeah guys I can't wait to get started
Piper : ok so boys it's the male soloist auditions and finn is going to take you over some choreo and who ever stands out to us the most will get the solo
Finn : ok great let's get started
Piper : also after finn has taught you the choreo we are going to partner you up with one of the b troupers and we will see who impresses us the most
(Finn , Cade , Ethan and Marcus go into studio 1 and start learning the choreo)
Finn TH : these three are definitely going to make this decision hard
Finn : right you got it guys ?
Cade : yeah
Marcus : yeah
Ethan : yep
Finn : good right now let's go back into studio A
Piper : ok guys so now you have learnt the choreo we are going to pair you up , but you must turn the choreo finn taught you into a duet , ok so let's have Macy and Cade , Marcus and Rubie and Ethan and Phoebe
(Cade and Macy start their duet to that's how I know)
Finn TH : wow this duet is really good , Macy is killing it and Cade is also doing a really good job
Piper : ok that was great guys Rubie and Marcus let's see yours
(Marcus and Ethan start their duet)
Ethan TH : wow Marcus is really bringing it right now
Finn TH : you can tell Marcus wants this
Piper : wow that was great guys ok lastly Ethan and Phoebe
(Ethan and Phoebe start their duet)
Finn TH : Ethan is really pushing it right now , these duets were amazing , this is going to be hard
Piper : ok great guys we will make our decision and we will let you know
(Piper finn go to discuss the duets)
Finn : they were all really good
Piper : yeah they were
Finn : I think Cade brought it
Piper : yeah but so did Marcus
Finn : yeah and Ethan
(Finn and Piper come to a decision)
Piper : ok our male soloist is Cade
Cade TH : I'm so happy I got the male solo I'm gonna give it 100%
Closing titles

Season 9 of the next step Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora