Shipping bad

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Fiction City, somewhere in the world.

4:20 PM

Ecchi-rated district.

Fiction City, is a place where everyone seems to be moving in these days, a place where almost every universe can meet and interact with... usually causing lots of destruction and unnecessary conflicts.

May God have mercy on the people who take care of the city.

Inside a run-down church in the Ecchi-Rated district, a bunch of hoodie figures were all together, sitting at a long table ala Hogwarts's lunch room. All of them chatted with each other about various things.

All of them went quiet when their leader entered the room, taking his seat overlooking the table and the people.

All of them went quiet when their leader entered the room, taking his seat overlooking the table and the people

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???: It is time again... time for us to meet..... hiding from those who wouldn't understand our beliefs... those who would laugh at us instead of trying to understand us... we live in an oppressive regime my friends, but fear not! for in this place... you're all safe. My flok... welcome...

The man stood up opening his arms as he tried to make a welcoming pose.

???: ... To the brotherhood of shipping!!

The other members cheered, no matter how many times they heard it, those words always managed to hype them up.

Cult leader: Now... Before we start our Ceremony. I would like to talk about a topic that I know it's rather uncomfortable for everyone but it must be said. I'll talk about someone that has annoyed us to no end since he started this fucking trend of wacky ass rant books... Seumadrugs!!

The entire audience went nuts when they heard the name.

Cultist 1: Heresy!!!

Cultist 2: That annoying prick! Talk shit about my union ac- I mean, union academy books in general!

Cultist 3: That bastard ruined Ganyu! How am I supposed to ship her with a churl now?!

Cultist 4: He and his friends are a bunch of virgins! too afraid of harems and shit!

Before things could escalate any further, the cult leader raised his, getting everyone's attention.

Cult leader: Children, please! We all have a deep hatred for this... fiend and his goofy ass friends. I also understand your concerns... especially you Cultist 3, what that man did to Ganyu was unforgivable! 

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