"school troubles"

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        'Stilwater, a city that used to have all kinds of trouble waiting for you to let your guard down. Nowadays it is pretty safe.

        After the saints took over the city, crime dropped a lot seeing that everyone was afraid of causing damage in the territory of 3rd street saints. While the city was in peace, the damage caused by the battles still had to be fixed.

        In the suburbs district, two construction workers were sitting at the edge of an unfinished building overlooking the streets as it was their favorite way to pass the hour.

     " Damn, nothing interesting happening" One of the workers said while finishing a cigarette.

     " yeah, I guess it's one of those days...wait...Steve look over there" the other worker called his friend while pointing at the front of a school.

        Steve looked at the scene, some kids were picking up on a poor boy. 

    " Jeez, this is the sixth time this week. Recognize the poor bastard bob?" 

    " Not sure....wait...oh it's that kid from yesterday" 

    " That kid? those bullies set him on fire yesterday, where are his wounds?"

    " Wait, you don't know?"

    " Know what?"

    " He's the main character of this book"

    " What those that have to do with anything?"

    " Main characters from Wattpad books can fully heal every night, its like a rule of something. I mean how are those bullies gonna bully him if can't go to school every day?"

    " Guess that makes sense"

    " ......Oh look they gonna cut his arms off"

    " Man that gonna hurt"

    " Yeah"

    " ........Hey bob"

    " hmm"

    " Should we do something?"

      Both workers look at each other and thought about intervening. After a few seconds, they came to a conclusion.

    " Nah"

Both of them went back to admiring the view of the city while screams could be heard in the background.'


        Yep, bout time we talk about this.

        Bullies! your most basic enemy in every story that takes place in school because apparently, every story needs one. Now, I don't mind them because I think bullying can actually add some sort of depth to the story. I mean seeing the victim suffer until they reach their limit and decide to do something about it sounds great in my opinion.

        Imagine how many possibilities you could have to develop the victim. Maybe he will go to the gym, get strong, and beat the shit out of the bullies or maybe the friends of the victim may realize what is going on and try to help.

       Hell, you could develop the bully as well, make them regret the things they did or something. Maybe the guilt they feel would be so high that they'll get desperate to gain the forgiveness of the victim, maybe it will drive them insane! so many possibilities.

       With all these possibilities, let me ask you something. why is bullying treated in the EXACT SAME WAY IN EVERY BOOK IN THIS WEBSITE?!!

       Most of the (if not all) times that bullying gets involved in stories it is used in 3 ways:

-To give the MC an edgy personality( "I get beaten every day, no one understands my pain" kind of moment)

-To make us and the FEMALE characters feel pity for him( which is worse IMO, I don't know about you but I don't want people to look at me with pity in their eyes)

-To make a character x bully kind of story( cuz falling in love with the person who beats the shit out of you every day is completely normal)

      And in all of these stories, the bullying gets so extreme that it's actually funny to see just how bad the author wants us to feel sympathy for the character. I'm not talking about physical and verbal abuse, I'm talking about straight-up trying to kill you in front of everyone in school( here in brazil if a student tried to kill another during lunch break the other students would group up and beat the shit out of the bully(trust me, I actually saw something like this happen in my second year in middle school)).

       Look, I get it. You wanna make a TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE for the character but please don't make something so ridiculous, it's hard to feel bad for something who burned alive and woke up the next day like nothing ever happened.

       And please if you wanna make a redemption arc for the bully, don't make the victim forgive him in an instant. things like this take time. Also, to all authors and readers all there. Forgiving someone who caused a lot of abuse and pain doesn't make you stronger than someone who doesn't forgive someone like that, it kinda makes you dumb if you just straight up forgive them and forget everything they made. if you think forgiving someone like that is the best course of action then do it but please never forget the pain they caused you...and make sure they remember as well.

       That is all, I'm sorry for talking about this topic but it's something that I noticed and it bothered me a lot. I've never been bullied in my life, some tried but I never took them seriously so they gave up...but I lost a friend who couldn't take the pain...and I miss her a lot.

       Thank you very much for reading this and once again I'm sorry for bringing this up. and if you're suffering this kind of problem in your life, PLEASE talk with someone....your parents, your friends, hell talk to the homeless guy across the street. so long that you trust them or feel some sort of security when you're close to them you can talk to them....don't hold that shit to yourself.

       Again, thank you very much for reading this. hope to see you all in the next chapter.



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