"What is the point...?"

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Good evening people, how's everyone doing?

So today's chapter will be less of a rant and more of a discussion. So it won't have any mini-stories, sorry for those who like them.

Today I wanted to talk about some things that I only started to notice recently. Something I didn't know how I had never noticed before.

Before we discuss the topic, I wanted to ask you something: what is the second most important thing about creating a story?

I'm sure you have different things in mind when it comes to that but in my opinion, the second most important thing about creating a story is the goal. Every story needs an ending as well as a beginning. Having a general idea of the story but not knowing how the main objective or how it will end can make the story become a mess.

That and it is also important to have a good and fitting end for your story. Trust me, nothing is more disappointing than a terrible ending, it may change how the reader or viewer sees your story. Mass Effect 3 is a good example of that, good game but the ending makes it hard to actually beat or play the game because of how bad it is.

It is also one of the reasons why people tend to hate stories with controversial themes. Let's take NTR for example, it is a very hated genre between us since it is immoral as fuck, and we as good people tend to see it as a way to fantasize bad behavior. Which is a fair and good point in my opinion.

However, there is another reason for that, at least for people like us.

The reason why NTR, Cheating, and other genres are so hated is that there is nothing of worth in them. 

The reason someone may want to read a story like this even though they don't like the genre is because of the traumatic experience and how can the character who got the short end of the stick could move past this experience and become a better person.

Try to see it like this. Remember the fight between Naruto and Pain? how Pain was the biggest obstacle in Naruto's way, how destroyed everything Naruto loved? how it changed Naruto's views about the world? (at least... that's what we all thought would happen).

The emotions were real, the audience could feel how dreadful the scene was which later turned into joy when Naruto defeated pain and saved the village. We as the audience were rooting for Naruto, not only because he's the main character but because at the time he was suffering.

The same can be applied to NTR, we as an audience want to see the main character move past such traumatic experiences and move forward, become better, and see karma hit the face of those who wronged him.

But then the people who want to see this end up hating the genre, why? because NTR doesn't actually have an ending.

Most works with this tag end with the main character finding out just how much he was humiliated by everyone without notice. We never see how he goes through that, we never see how he moves past that, and we never see him become better. The story just ends, usually telling how much of a beta the main character was while the man who stole his girlfriend or sister or mother is shown to be the manliest man alive, the one who always thrives.

It doesn't necessarily need to be NTR or Cheating stories, just look at the Abused and neglected books.

We read them because we want to see how the main character moves past the traumatic experience, see how he will handle being close to those who hurt him, and see how he overcomes his fears.

But then we get disappointed that is just another harem book following the exact same story as the show.

And after reading a few more stories you find a pattern in them.

The traumatic experience...doesn't matter to the story. It's just another shitty self-insert book. And that most of these stories...don't have an objective or a goal.

The author uses the traumatic experience as a way to explain why the main character becomes strong but never addresses the issues that the traumatic experience would cause the character. It also affects the end goal of the story, since the main character doesn't really have any noticeable motivations nor there's anything really important going on around them, the story also lacks an ending.

Look at it in this way: what is the main plot point of an abused and neglected story? that's right the abuse. it is right at the title of the book after all.

The abuse is the most important part of the story since it will mold the main character into who we know him to be in the next chapters. The abuse will also influence his personality, for example, take these plot points into consideration.

-Tai beats the shit out of you because he likes to hear you scream.

-Summer rapes you because even though you're only 8 years old, your dick is bigger than Tai so.....yeah.

-Ruby keeps blaming you for shit you never did because she thinks it's funny seeing you get beat up by Tai.

-Yang keeps taunting you, telling you to forget your dreams, and that the world would be a better place without you.

After reading these plot points, let's analyze how they can change the main character.

Tai Beating the main character can build fear for anyone who does any sudden action next to the MC making them jumpy or worse, react in the worst way possible such as attacking the person. It may also change how the main character's views about fighting.  The MC could despise fighting and become a pacifist or he would feel bitter and become a sociopath who wants to hurt others to try to make them feel better.

Summer would change the MC's views about women and sex altogether. Making him fear and distrust women and despise any sort of sexual acts. I highly doubt he would become a womanizer or pervert like most stories make them be. Hell, a Harem would be the MC's worst nightmare.

Ruby would make the MC distrust children, making him see them as little bastards. It could also make him distrust people altogether, making him believe that everyone is a liar.

Yang would without a doubt make the MC depressive. It could make the MC suicidal or have a totally contrary effect and make them obsessed with their motivations, to the point that is not even healthy.

At the end of the day, the MC should eventually build some sort of disorder for staying in such a toxic environment for too long. The main goal of the story would be the MC overcoming his traumas and becoming a better person, the whole Grimm and the story of the show would be a subplot.

But you all read so many abused and neglected stories that you know that's not what happens. It doesn't go anywhere, the MC is somehow mentally healthy or is an absolute lunatic with no redeeming qualities...who somehow has the kindest girls in these series after his pants.

How does it always end like this? why is so hard to make a complex character that while may look mentally unhealthy, has redeeming qualities? ThotSlayer and Ice_heater nailed this regard of complex characters so it's not impossible to make them.

This leads to the main point of this chapter. Books on Wattpad don't have an end goal.

They lack any sort of objective, it seems that most books are just the author having some sort of superiority complex phase in their lives so they make a book about something that is trending, then once the phase ends they abandon the book altogether.

These books are only focused on the Now and never on the future.

It makes no sense to me why one would make the character have such an edgy and sad backstory, only to not use said backstory to build the character and his motivations.

But those are my thoughts on the matter, what about yours? what do you think about this? is this actually an issue? or is it just me nitpicking things?

Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter, I hope to see you all in the next one!

Also, this book somehow managed to get 3K views! that's fucking crazy!

Thank you all for everything, and I wish you all a good night!

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